DevvStream Holdings Inc. announced a project development and marketing agreement with Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN), a women-led international membership network established in 2004 with the objective of removing organizational barriers that obstruct women from realizing positions of leadership and influence in the agriculture and natural resource management sectors. The collaboration will drive sustainable and measurable change in key areas such as education, health, economic empowerment, and environmental stewardship. WOCAN is the innovator behind the pioneering W+ Standard, a framework designed to value and reward projects that tangibly improve the lives of women and their community members.

If an eligible project meets criteria defined by the W+ Standard, the project?s results are independently verified, the project is certified, and W+ credits are generated; at least 20% of the sales revenue is distributed to women engaged in the project. Under the agreement, DevvStream aims to leverage its expertise in the investment into and co-development of carbon removal activities to finance the development of eligible projects, refer potential financiers to project owners, and provide both project development and commercialization services, in exchange for a portion of the resulting W+ credits. In turn, WOCAN will provide active guidance, technical expertise, and direct support in the development of eligible projects via its network of W+ Standard and gender experts.

Two initial projects will employ the W+ Standard to generate W+ credits related to the provision of water services and biogas stoves to rural communities across three African nations.