31/03/2015 berlin.
A total of 448 properties with a value of approx. € 22.5 million were auctioned at the well-attended Spring Auctions of Deutsche Grundstücksauktionen AG and its wholly-owned subsidiaries - marked leaders for real estate auctions in Germany - and also sold in the brokerage division of the company Plettner & Brecht Immobilien GmbH. Approx. 85 percent of the offered properties found a new owner.
Deutsche Grundstücksauktionen AG March 2015 € 7,526,300
Sächsische Grundstücksauktionen AG February/March 2015 € 3,803,710
Norddeutsche Grundstücksauktionen AG March 2015 € 4,421,700
Plettner & Brecht Immobilien GmbH March 2015 € 3,562,100
Westdeutsche Grundstücksauktionen AG March 2015 € 2,665,800
Deutsche Internet Immobilien Auktionen GmbH Jan.-March 2015 € 509,300
Properties for a total amount of € 22,488,910

Compared to the same period in the previous year, the proceeds of the companies in the group have developed differently but overall stable. The development for Norddeutsche Grundstücksauktionen AG and Plettner & Brecht Immobilien GmbH was very positive. Coming from a high level of proceeds, Westdeutsche and Sächsische Grundstücksauktionen AG had to accept decreases. Deutsche Grundstücksauktionen AG and Deutsche Internet Immobilien Auktionen GmbH achieved small increases.

Overall, the property proceeds of the whole group decreased by approx. 7 percent (previous year: € 24.2 million) in the first quarter. The net commission decreased by 5 percent to € 2.20 million (previous year: € 2.32 million).

When evaluating the results of the first quarter, the effect of an exceptional sale in the same period of the previous year (sale of a mansion at the banks of the river Rhine in Düsseldorf for € 4.7 million by Westdeutsche Grundstücksauktionen AG) has to be considered. We therefore understand this almost stable result as a positive signal for a successful business year 2015.

The board meeting on the adoption of the annual company financial statements and the dividend recommendation as well as the date appointment for the shareholders' meeting will take place on 16 April 2015.

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