Detsky Mir Oao can go for an initial public offering (IPO) in 2014 and has mandated Credit Suisse and JPMorgan to arrange it, two banking sector sources told Interfax. So far there's no exact date for the offering, just guidance for the first half of the year, but this could be put back until the second half - it'll all depend on sentiment among investors and the state of the market," one of the sources said. Detsky Mir may place up to $500 million worth of stock, but the volume will depend what valuation the investment banks give, the other source said.

One or two more banks might join the organizers, the source said. Both sources said the IPO would probably take place in London. However, Vladimir Yevtushenkov, Owner of Detsky Mir, has said the retailer planned to hold an IPO in 2015.

The IPO might take place in London and the company might raise around $500 million.