1st November 2013

Ship Modelling and Simulation Centres

What is the application?

The customer provides hardware and test facilities for simulators used in the testing of operators for large vessels and cranes - requirement was for colour display and touch for a full scale ship bridge simulator of a specific off shore loading vessel

What did they want?

A 5.7" or 7" TFT, wide viewing angle, with an HDMI interface and USB PCT to use in their new desk for test houses, 12 displays per desk for vessel simulator, 6 displays per desk for crane simulator

What did we propose? 7" RIPDRAW solution (80-0180-000T)

It meets their technical requirements in terms of high contrast, wide viewing angle display, HDMI interface, USB PCT, simple method of building


into the desk via the plastic housing/carrier, stable design. The ability to provide a standard off the shelf part on a quick turnaround, for samples and preproduction was a major selling point, along with documented evaluation kit

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