Stockholm, 13 November, 2014 - The subscription price for the first period of TO1B is 0,20 SEK per share.

A subscription warrant entitles to subscription for one B share 14/11-28/11/2014. The subscription price is equal to seventy-five (75) percent of the average volume-weighted price of shares under Stock Market official price statistics during the period of 20 trading days ending two business days prior to the period of use begins. However, with a maximum of 0.50 SEK and a minimum of 0.20 SEK.

For the first period, this means a subscription price of SEK 0,20 per share.

Further information is available at websites of Delta Minerals, Aktietorget and Eminova.

Delta Minerals project in the Philippines
In large river basins occurs frequently flooding, especially during monsoon season, which seriously impact the population in these areas with fatal accidents and large property damages due to the eroded and accumulated sand. By removing excess sand Delta Minerals activities are contributing to important environmental and social activities. The magnetite is extracted from the sand and sold to the steel industry.

Delta Minerals AB has developed well during the time the company has been in operation. We have shown at economically viable extraction levels of minerals in the rivers, which we are interested in, we have expanded our survey areas, which now include Cagayan province in the Northern Republic of the Philippines. We have established an agreement with NOVA; a Korean group to operate their facility in Appari in Cagayan province. Now we need to will show that we can achieve a positive business.

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