Investor news no. 42/2023: Extention og existing SaaS contrats & Total revenue estimate of sales of Data Analyzes

In order to be more transparent in terms of communication of agreements for the SaaS business, the expansion of existing SaaS contracts will be communicated monthly with a total value. The agreements do not change the announced guidance.

In December, extensions of SaaS agreements were concluded with a value of DKK 0.5 million. This means that the total value of extensions is DKK 2.1 million in the current financial year. The mentioned extensions are to be understood as agreements that are in addition to the separate announcements regarding agreements at MARS, MARC and REVIEW, where 5, 11 and 2 agreements have been concluded respectively in the financial year (as of 31/12) - with municipalities not using the system before the financial year. The total value of ARR is calculated and published in our quarterly and halfyearly reports. 

In the current financial year 2023/24, data analysis contracts with a total estimated value of between DKK 7.9 – 10.1 million have been concluded at the end of December.

Data analysis contracts are characterized by the fact that Dataproces carries out a big data analysis at the municipalities, with the aim of identifying conditions for which the individual municipality can obtain either inter-municipal or state reimbursement. This results in a gain for the municipality, and Dataproces is remunerated with a success fee, which is dependent on how large reimbursements are obtained. Therefore, Dataproces' value of the contracts is only known definitively when the reimbursements have been approved - which is the reason why the value of contracts will always be indicated in intervals in our reports based on our best knowledge and experience from other tasks / municipalities. 

General information about agreement announcements as investor news:

All announced agreements are in accordance with Dataproces' strategic focus and do not change the announced guidance.

Dataproces announces a total value of extention of existing SaaS contracts on monthly basis.  

Dataproces announces a total estimated value of new data analysis agreements on monthly basis.

As the SaaS platforms MARS, REVIEW (formerly Min Sag) and MARC Fleksløn are central to the guided company strategy, each time a agreement is entered into, it is announced.

Dataproces distinguishes in the announcement of SaaS agreements between 3 municipality size categories; the 50 smallest municipalities are called municipalities, the 38 middle ones are called larger municipalities and the 10 largest are called top-10 municipalities.


  • John Norden, Certified Advisor, +45 20 720 200,
  • Michael Binderup, CEO, +45 41 91 20 07,

About Dataproces Group A/S

Dataproces is an innovative IT and consulting house, specializing in solutions targeted at the Danish municipalities and their digital administration. The solutions range widely from robot technology and SaaS, to data analysis as well as collaboration and consulting. The starting point and purpose are always the same: to use data to create new knowledge, smarter processes and increased efficiency for the benefit of both citizens and municipalities.

Dataproces – we create value with data!


  • Download announcement as PDF.pdf

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