Company announcement no. 1/2024 - inside information: Transactions of senior executives

In accordance with Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation, Dataproces Group A/S has received the following notification of transactions by senior executives and/or their closely related parties.

Michael Binderup, CEO of Dataproces Group A/S, has on January 18th 2024 bought 50,000 shares in Dataproces Group A/S, at an average price of 2,06, corresponding to DKK 103,000 in total.

Reference is made to the attached form.


  • John Norden, Certified Advisor, +45 20 720 200,
  • Michael Binderup, CEO, +45 41 91 20 07,

About Dataproces Group A/S

Dataproces is an innovative IT and consulting house, specializing in solutions targeted at the Danish municipalities and their digital administration. The solutions range widely from robot technology and SaaS to data analyzes as well as collaboration and consulting. The starting point and purpose are always the same: to use data to create new knowledge, smarter processes and increased efficiency for the benefit of both citizens and municipalities.

Dataproces – we create value with data!


  • Download announcement as PDF.pdf
  • Transaktioner Michael Binderup jan 2024.pdf

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