SBOM Studio is Sector Agnostic, Key Market Verticals Include: Industrial Controls and Critical Infrastructure, Healthcare and Medical, Enterprise, Automotive and Aerospace. SBOM Regulation: With the widespread proliferation and adoption of SBOM following the Whitehouse Executive Order in May of 2021, which announced the new SBOM standard to be implemented in the United States, policymakers are recognizing the importance of SBOM standards. Cybeats SBOM management solution provides proactive compliance with anticipated Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) requirements, demonstrating best practices by having an SBOM for all software, and for any 3rd-party products used by enterprises.

From the US Executive Order to the recent EU Cyber Resilience Act7, the value and imperative to use SBOMs around the world has been further cemented. Cybeats recently applauded the $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Appropriations Bill which would require medical device manufacturers to submit a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) to the FDA that includes all standard, open source, and critical software components used by the devices.