CRI Middleware Co. Ltd. together with Immersion Corporation announced the launch of a new tool for adding tactile effects to Android mobile games. CRI Middleware's CRI HAPTIX tool, built to work with Immersion TouchSense SDK for Mobile Games, enables developers to quickly add haptics to mobile games designed on CRIWARE, the company's development platform.

Mobile games with haptics are more engaging, and as a result, have shown increased user retention and time spent in game1. The launch of CRI HAPTIX follows the announcement of an agreement between CRI and Immersion earlier this year. The collaboration between the two companies streamlines the process for developers by enabling sound, animation and tactile effect creation and editing on a single platform.

CRI HAPTIX works with both Unity and Cocos2d-x game engines. The previewer app that comes with the tool allows developers to feel the effects as they coordinate haptics with audio in the game. Immersion's TouchSense Gaming SDK includes a haptic playback API.

Mobile games incorporating Immersion's gaming SDK provide playback of tactile effects in the majority of Android mobile devices on the market, with optimal haptic performance when the games are played on mobile devices running TouchSense software in the operating system.