Crater Gold Mining Limited announced results from the NRG Electromagnetic and Magnetic Survey (EM) flown over its polymetallic tenements, EPM 26749 & 13775. A large, priority EM anomaly (W_4) has been identified in the western corner of EPM 26749. Three other discrete lower priority anomalies were also identified, one of these (W_3) being located in the centre of EPM 26749, with the other two located in the Anomaly 1 area of EPM 13775, Modelling of Anomaly W_4 indicates that the data best fits the presence of one or two shallow dipping plates, which can be tested by a 120m vertical hole with expected plate intersections at depths of 71m and 93m.

This test hole will be included in the upcoming drilling program due to start in the 2nd quarter of this year.