COSAN S.A. INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO (BM&FBovespa: CSAN3) and COSAN LIMITED (BM&FBovespa: CZLT11 and NYSE: CZZ) ("Cosan" or "Company"), hereby inform their shareholders and the market in general that, for the third consecutive year, held the Cosan Day in New York and São Paulo on November 12th and 26th, respectively.

The event was attended by all the leading executives responsible for Cosan's business and had the goal of sharing the plans and strategies of the Company's business, besides build closer and more extensive relationship with the Company's stakeholders.

The event had an attendance of approximately 400 participants, including shareholders, institutional and individual investors and analysts, who had the opportunity to ask questions, talk and interact with the executives of the Company in the businesses' stands.

In line with the best transparent and equitable disclosure practices, all the event's presentations are available in Portuguese and English on the Company's Investor Relations website ( and on the links below:

Comgás Presentation - Luis Domenech e Luis Henrique Guimarães

Cosan Lubrificantes & Especialidades Presentation - Nelson Gomes

Rumo Logística Presentation - Julio Fontana

Radar Presentation - Ricardo Mussa

RaízenPresentation - Vasco Dias

For further information, please contact Cosan's Investor Relations team:

Guilherme Machado, Investor Relations Manager
Phillipe Casale, Investor Relations Analyst
Taísa Condino, Investor Relations Analyst

Phone: + 55 (11) 3897-9797
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