Cosan Ltd Share Price




Oil & Gas Refining and Marketing

End-of-day quote Sao Paulo 5-day change 1st Jan Change
- BRL -.--% Intraday chart for Cosan Ltd -.--% -.--%
Cosan Limited (Cosan) is a holding company. The Company's segments include Raizen Energia, Raizen Combustiveis, COMGAS, Cosan Logistica, Lubricants and Other business. The Company's other business include other investments, in addition to the corporate activities. The Company offers Logistics services, including transportation, port loading and storage of sugar, leasing or lending of locomotives, wagons and other railway equipment, through its subsidiaries Rumo Logistica Operadora Multimodal S.A. (Rumo), logistic segment (Logistic). The Company is also engaged in production and distribution of lubricants, through its indirect subsidiaries Cosan Lubrificantes e Especialidades S.A. (Moove) and Comma Oil & Chemicals Ltd. (Comma), under the Mobil licensed trademark in Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay, in addition to the European and Asian market using the Comma brand and corporate activities (Lubricants).
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  1. Stock Market
  2. Equities
  3. CZLT33 Stock