Notice to the Market

São Paulo, July 24, 2012 - COSAN S.A. INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO (BM&FBOVESPA: CSAN3), in response to official letter Ofício CVM/SEP/GEA-2/Nº332/2012, received from the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission, concerning the Management Proposal to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting to be held on July 31of 2012, announces that resubmitted today, via IPE system, the Management Proposal, with the explanations requested by the mentioned official letter referred to the documents pursuant to item III of caput of article 9 of CVM Instruction 481, first paragraph, item II of article 9 and Annex 9-1-II of CVM Instruction 481, and article 12, item II of CVM Instruction 481.

Click here to download the Notice to the Market.

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