Cosan Ltd. - Notice to the Market

São Paulo, June 29, 2012 - COSAN LIMITED ( NYSE: CZZ and BM&FBovespa: CZLT11 ) ("Cosan" or "Company"), regarding the official letter OFÍCIO/CVM/SEP/GEA-2/No. 309/2012, received from the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) on June 26, 2012, which required the disclosure of services provided by our auditors (namely Ernst & Young Terco Auditores Independentes S/S and related parties) other than those referring to the independent auditing of our financial statements, hereby announces to its investors and the market in general that the additional activities performed by the aforementioned auditors were associated with the review of sustainability reports, tax-related matters and others that do not affect the arm's length principle applied to independent auditors.

Click here to download the Notice to the Market.


Cosan Group is the only fully integrated player - from sugar cane production to final products distribution - in the sugar and ethanol markets in Brazil. The corporate vision is to become a global reference for clean energy and renewable products. The newly formed company Raízen (joint venture with Shell International) is one of the top five revenue companies in Brazil, has 4,600 service stations and produces 2.2 billion liters of ethanol, and is positioned to become a global market leader. Also, Cosan is one of the largest players in the retail sugar market, with an output production of 5 million metric tons, and through the use of Radar develops agricultural lands businesses. Furthermore, Cosan produces, distributes and markets the global leading lubricants brand Mobil in Brazil and controls Rumo Logística, which is responsible for the transportation, storage and shipment of sugar and solid bulk exports at two terminals in Santos, the largest port in Latin America.

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