Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. provided an update on the status of its on-going project to construct and operate a desalination plant and accompanying pipeline in Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico (the “Project”). In 2016, the Congress of the State of Baja California, Mexico (the “State”) passed Decreto #57 which, among other things, ratified and authorized the payment obligations of the corresponding public entities under the contract for the Project, and authorized the corresponding public entities to obtain a credit agreement to guarantee their payment obligations. During 2017, following consultations between representatives of the State and the Ministry of Finance of the Federal Government of Mexico, it was determined that certain amendments to Decreto #57 were required to comply with recent changes to the Federal Financial Discipline Law for Federative Entities and Municipalities. The amendments were included in Decreto #168, which was approved by the State’s Congress in December 2017. On December 31, 2018, the Congressional authorization for the execution of the credit agreement to guarantee the payment obligations of the public entities under the Project’s contract expired. Mexican State officials have informed Consolidated Water that they will seek another amendment of Decreto #57, as amended by Decreto #168, to extend the authorization for the execution of such credit agreement, which will enable the Project to proceed. The company and its partners in the project, Greenfield SPV VII, an affiliate of a leading U.S. asset management firm, and SUEZ, a global leader in water treatment have extended the deadline for the satisfaction of the conditions of the February 2018 share subscription agreement to June 30, 2019.