technology partners, CONET supports the safety lab with its comprehensive experience in the setup of joint communication infrastructures and the CONET UC radio suite, which deals with diverse integration, communications and control tasks in the demo system:

  • Thedispatcher solutionof the CONET UC Radio Suite integrates all communication flows. For example, the information from a specialized subway control stand is thus directly integrated into the central control interface of a public control room - including a possible depiction on mobile devices such as tablets.
  • Forconferencing, CONET UC Radio Suite extends the push-to-talk functionality needed for a direct radio communication to workplace telephones with the help of a so-called PTT-controller. In joint conferences everyone who is involved can now communicate directly with each other - independent from the device used.
  • Viaefficient connectors, CONET UC Radio Suite enables the integration of emergency systems and the management of public sounding systems or signaling directly from the control surface

Exemplary Workplace at Fraunhofer FOKUS safety lab in Berlin

About Fraunhofer FOKUS safety lab

In order to introduce exemplary solutions, to heighten the awareness for technical, legal and procedural barriers and to increase the chances for reliable and efficient communications, Fraunhofer FOKUS together with its partners Cisco, CONET, Frequentis, Hörmann, IBM und Motionlogic provides aspecially equipped demonstration room in Berlin. This safety laboffers experts, decision makers and politicians a research laboratory and thus an independent environment to simulate the interaction of legal, organizational, sociological and economic challenges.

The safety lab is part of the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS in Berlin. The institute develops different competence center solutions for future information systems and investigates which impact and characteristics communication networks must have to be able to make life more comfortable and safe. In this organization, theCompetence Center for Electronic Safety and Security Solutions for the Public and Industries (ESPRI)is responsible for research in public safety. Solutions for a better management of and coping with threat scenarios and the interconnection of already existing security solutions take center stage in this research.

Um beispielhafte Lösungen vorzustellen und das Bewusstsein sowohl für technische, rechtliche und prozessuale Schranken aber auch neue Chancen zu steigern, präsentiert Fraunhofer FOKUS mit seinen Partnern Cisco, CONET, Frequentis, Hörmann, IBM und Motionlogic in Berlin
einen speziell ausgestatteten Demonstrationsraum, das safety lab. Als Forschungslabor bietet das safety lab Experten, Entscheidern und Politikern einen unabhängigen Rahmen, um das Zusammenspiel neuer Technologien sowie die rechtlichen, organisatorischen, sozialwissenschaftlichen und ökonomischen Herausforderungen auf deren Weg in die Praxis zu beleuchten.

Das safety lab ist Teil des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Offene Kommunikationssysteme FOKUS in Berlin. Das Institut entwickelt in verschiedenen Kompetenzzentren Lösungen für die Informationssysteme der Zukunft und erforscht, welchen Beitrag Kommunikationsnetze leisten müssen, damit das Zusammenleben komfortabler und sicherer wird. Für den Bereich der öffentlichen Sicherheit ist am Fraunhofer FOKUS dasKompetenzzentrum ESPRI (Electronic Safety and Security Systems for the Public and Industries)verantwortlich. Lösungen für eine verbesserte Gefahrenabwehr sowie für die Vernetzung bestehender Sicherheitslösungen stehen im Zentrum der Forschungsarbeiten.


'Success. Our passion.' CONET currently ranks among the top 20 of German IT systems and consulting companies. The medium-sized IT group has been successfully offering support in SAP, Infrastructure, Communications, Software and Experts since 1987. Customers from industry and commerce, the public as well as defense and security sectors alike value CONET's commitment to quality and success. CONET product solutions for Critical Control Room Communications, IP Integration, Customer Collaboration, Enterprise Content Management and Business Process Management are in use worldwide. CONET currently employs more than 500 business and IT specialists at thirteen locations throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Please direct any enquiries to:

CONET Technologies AG
Simon Vieth, Press Officer
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 19
53773 Hennef

Phone: +49 2242 939-246
Fax: +49 2242 939-333

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