To the: Bucharest Stock Exchange - Department of Operations Issuers Regulated Markets Financial Supervision Authority - General Directorate Supervision - Issuers Division

Date of current report: January 21, 2022

Name of Issuer Company: CNTEE TRANSELECTRICA SA, managed under two-tier system

Headquarters: Blvd. Gheorghe Magheru 33, Bucharest 1

Working location: Str. Olteni 2-4, Bucharest 3

Phone / fax numbers: 021 30 35 611/021 30 35 610

Single registration code: 13328043

LEI Code: 254900OLXCOUQC90M036

Number in the Trade Register: J40/8060/2000

Share capital subscribed and paid: 733.031.420 RON

Regulated market where the issued securities are transacted: Bucharest Stock Exchange

Event to report - Information material of AGOA of 25/28.02.2022

The National Power Grid Company Transelectrica SA informs the shareholders and stakeholders about item 2 in the agenda of the Shareholders' general ordinary assembly, convened on 25/28 02.2022, namely "Approving the 2022 Revenue and Expense Budget of CNTEE Transelectrica SA, and the estimations for 2023 and 2024", informative material (registered under number 3116/19.01.2022) available from 21.01.2022, on the Company site, section Investor Relations / AGA 2022, which provides percentage comparisons of amounts budgeted for 2022 compared to the values approved by the rectified Revenue and expense budget of last year (2021), being indicated as "+/-x%", unless provided otherwise.

Taking into consideration the compliance with terms provided in applicable legislation, namely:

  • Law 317/28.12.2021 of the state budget for 2022;
  • Law 154/2016 approving Governmental Ordinance 11/2016 amending and adding Governmental Ordinance 26/2013 on enhancing financial discipline at economic operators' where the state or administrative-territorial units are single or majority or directly or indirectly hold majority participation, according to which "Economic operators provided in article 4 para (1) let. d), whose shares are submitted for transaction on a regulated market and their subsidiaries provide as per legal terms the revenue and expense budget with foundation annexes, elaborated according to legal applicable provisions, to the Shareholders' general assembly in view of approving them, after preliminary consultation with trade union organisations and publishes the revenue and expense budget with values of the current year, within 60 days from the enforcement of the annual state budget law";

LANGUAGE DISCLAIMER: This document represents the English version of the original official Romanian document filed with the Financial Supervisory Authority ASF. The English version has been created for English readers' convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, discrepancies may occur. The Romanian version of this document is the original official document. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in the English version, please refer to the Romanian version of the document which is the official version.

  • OMFP 3818/2019 approving the format and structure of the revenue & expense budget and of its foundation annexes, namely Annex 6 according to which: "The estimation of economic-financialindicators of the current year shall take into account the estimated / achieved amount of the previous year…",

Corroborated with the

  • Company's 2022 Financial Communication Calendar, available on the
    Company's site, section Investor Relations / Periodical Reports / Financial
    Calendar published according to the provisions of the capital market legislation;
  • Article 236 of ASF Regulation 5/2018 on the issuers of financial instruments and market operations, according to which the "Information included in quarterly, half- yearly and annual reports, (…), which has not been made public according to legal provisions, is until report publication observing the provisions of article 7 from Regulation (EU) 596/2014, under the legal applicable regime of privileged information",

comparative information as compared to the estimated 2021 level will be available for consultation on the Company site beginning with 15 February 2022, namely annexes 1-5elaborated according to MFP Order 3818/2019, in accordance with the calendar date written in the 2022 Financial Communication Calendar related to publishing the Preliminary annual financial results - 2021.


Florin Cristian TATARU

Executive Director General

Directorate Member

Directorate Chairman


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TRANSELECTRICA - Compania Nationala de Transport al Energiei Electrice SA published this content on 21 January 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 21 January 2022 09:21:08 UTC.