Last year, Cloetta signed an agreement with Coop Sweden to provide them with a brand new Pick & Mix concept, starting in 2015. This means that Cloetta is responsible for the total Pick & Mix product range, racks, merchandizing etc. in Coop's stores. The Coop Pick & Mix-portfolio with candy and natural snacks includes over 150 products.

Roll-out of the new Pick & Mix-concept - "Godisfavoriter" and "Natursnacks" - started in January and is now available in a couple of hundred Coop-stores. During the first quarter all 700 Coop-stores will receive the new concept.

With the new Pick & Mix concept Cloetta utilizes a wide range of products from several markets complemented with external classic products, thereby expanding the offerings within Munchy Moments.

Pick & Mix is estimated to account for about 30% of the total volume in the Swedish confectionery market.

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