Clip Money Inc. has on-boarded Invicta Stores. Invicta is using the Clip solution across multiple store locations, with plans to roll out the solution to additional stores in Q1'23. Invicta stores utilizing the Clip solution can make cash deposits to their existing bank account at a convenient ClipDrop on shopping mall premise and at select Staples Store locations instead of going to their bank branch to manage cash.

Deposits can be made any time during retail business hours by designated employees. As a Clip customer, Invicta has access to powerful technology through the ClipApp to manage their cash, assign employees to perform deposit transactions, track transaction history, and collect cash and payment analytics. They also receive next business day credit for their deposits which improves cash flow and saves precious employee time and resources.

Jewelry and accessory retailers are a category that Clip receives regular interest from as they tend to face unique challenges related to cash management. Many have shared that a significant percentage of their transactions are made in cash. To resolve the stresses that can come with leaving the mall to make cash deposits, stores like Invicta are embracing Clip as a refreshing way to deposit smarter and safer.