(Company Registration No.: 200404283C) (the "Company")


The Board of Directors of Advance SCT Limited ("ASCT") wishes to announce that on 31 December
2012, ASCT entered into a Subscription Agreement with each of the persons set out in Annex A attached hereto ("Subscribers"). Pursuant to these Agreements, the Subscribers will subscribe for and ASCT will allot and issue at a discount of 10% to the volume weighted average price of the trades done on the ordinary shares in ASCT ("Shares") on the SGX-ST for the one trading day before 31
December 2012, the date of the signed Agreements. Therefore, the issue price per new share ("Subscription Share") is S$0.0130 and a total aggregate of 61,538,461 Subscription Shares constituting 4.98% of the issued Shares (including the Subscription Shares) will be allotted and issued in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreements. The consideration is payable within seven working days of the date of the Agreements or on completion whichever is earlier.
The Shares are issued pursuant to the General Mandate from shareholders at AGM held on 30 April
2012, and completion of the Subscription is conditional upon the approval of the SGX-ST for the listing and quotation of the Subscription Shares.
There is no placement agreement and ASCT intends to use the proceeds for general corporate and working capital purposes. Notwithstanding its current intentions, the Company may, at its discretion and subject to applicable laws and regulations, use the net proceeds from the Subscription for other purposes. The Company will make periodic announcements on the utilisation of the net proceeds from the Subscription via SGXNET as and when such funds are materially disbursed.
Pending the deployment of the net proceeds from the Subscription, the net proceeds may be deposited with banks and/or financial institutions or used for any other purpose on a short-term basis as the Company may, in its absolute discretion, deem fit.
The Subscribers have confirmed that they are not connected to the Company's directors and substantial shareholders, and were identified for their interest to subscribe for shares in the Company, and the reason for placing the shares to them is set out in Annex A.
By Order of the Board Advance SCT Limited Simon Eng
Executive Chairman
31 December 2012
Annex A
List of Subscribers
Name Aggregate Subscription Price
Number of Subscription Shares
Background and reason for placing to the Subscriber
Wong Chan Ching S$200,000.00 15,384,615 Businessman who had business transactions with the Company's subsidiaries in the past, and who had expressed interest to subscribe for shares in the Company.
Lee Hui Teo S$100,000.00 7,692,308 Businessman who had business transactions with the Company's subsidiaries in the past, and who had expressed interest to subscribe for shares in the Company.
Gay Soon Watt S$500,000.00 38,461,538 Businessman who knows socially a business associate of the Company's subsidiary, and who had expressed interest to subscribe for shares in the Company.

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