Chinalco Yunnan Copper Resources Limited

ABN 29 070 859 522

Level 8, Christie Centre

320 Adelaide Street

Brisbane QLD 4000

GPO Box 216

Brisbane QLD 4001

Tel: +61 7 3211 9013

Fax: +61 7 3010 9001

6 January, 2014


Chinalco Yunnan Copper Resources Limited advises that it will be relocating its Registered Office as from today.
The new details for the Company are: Registered Office
C/- HopgoodGanim
Level 8
Waterfront Place
1 Eagle St
Brisbane, Qld 4000
Principal Place of Business
Level 8
Christies Centre
320 Adelaide St
Brisbane, Qld 4000
Telephone: +61 7 3211 9013
Fax: +61 7 3010 9001
The Postal Address remains as
GPO Box 216
Brisbane, Qld 4001
For and on behalf of the Board

Paul Marshall
Company Secretary

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