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Overseas Regulatory Announcement

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Set out below is the "Announcement in Respect of the Winning of Bid for Major Projects by China Railway Construction Corporation Limited" published on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and newspapers in the PRC on 12 January 2013 by China Railway Construction Corporation Limited for your reference only.

Beijing, the PRC

12 January 2013

By order of the Board of Directors

China Railway Construction Corporation Limited MENG Fengchao


As at the date of this announcement, the Board of Directors comprises Mr. MENG Fengchao (Chairman and Executive Director), Mr. PENG Shugui (Vice Chairman and Executive Director), Mr. ZHAO Guangfa (President and Executive Director), Mr. HU Zhenyi (Executive Director), Mr. ZHU Mingxian (Non-executive Director), Mr. LI Kecheng (Independent Non-executive Director), Mr. ZHAO Guangjie (Independent Non- executive Director), Mr. WU Taishi (Independent Non-executive Director) and Mr. NGAI Wai Fung

(Independent Non-executive Director).


Stock code: 601186 Stock short name: CRCC Announcement No.: Lin 2013-001

China Railway Construction Corporation Limited Announcement in Respect of the Winning of Bid for Major Projects The Board of Directors of the Company and all Directors warrant that there are no false representations or misleading statements contained in, or material omissions from this announcement, and jointly and severally accept responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of this announcement.

Recently, the Company has won the bids for the following major projects:
1. The consortium comprising China Railway Electrification Bureau Group Co., Ltd. and China Railway 21st Bureau Group Electric Engineering Co., Ltd., both being subsidiaries of the Company, won the bid for Section LXSD-2 of the Four Electrifications system integration of the newly-built second double-line of Lanxin Railway and the reconstruction of Xining railway station and Lanzhou pivot (for the introduction of the second double-line of Lanxin Railway) of Baolan passenger
dedicated line