China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. announced at the meeting of the board of directors convened on 24 August 2018, the Company agreed to appoint Mr. Deng Bin as the chief investment officer (assistant to the general manager) of the Company, with the term of office until the expiry of the current session of the board of directors. At the meeting of the board of directors convened on 26 October 2018, the Company agreed to appoint Mr. Zhao Yonggang ("Mr. Zhao") and Mr. Ma Xin ("Mr. Ma") as vice presidents of the Company, with the term of office until the expiry of the current session of the board of directors. The appointment of Mr. Zhao, Mr. Ma and Mr. Deng will take effect upon approval of appointment qualifications from China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. The company announced that, it has recently received the "Approval of appointment qualifications of three persons including Zhao Yonggang of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd." (CBIRC Approval No. [2018] 491) issued by the CBIRC. CBIRC has approved the appointment qualifications of Mr. Zhao and Mr. Ma as vice presidents of the Company and approved the appointment qualification of Mr. Deng as the assistant to the general manager of the Company. The term of office of Mr. Zhao, Mr. Ma and Mr. Deng took effect on 29 December 2018. Zhao Yonggang currently serves as a member of the Party Committee of the Company and head of the organization department of the Party Committee of the Company, and chairman of the labor union of the Company. Mr. Ma Xin currently serves as the secretary to the board of directors of the Company, a director of China Pacific Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Mr. Deng Bin served as assistant vice president of the Asia Pacific segment (excluding Japan) of the risk management department cum head of market risk management of American International Group (AIG), assistant vice president cum head of market risk management, vice president cum investment analysis director, derivatives cum investment analysis director and investment plans cum derivatives director of AIA Group, director of PRC strategic projects of AIA Group and other positions.