The board of directors of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. announced that the Company has recently received the "Approval of appointment qualifications of ZHOU Donghui, CHEN Ran and LIU Xiaodan of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd." (CBIRC Approval No. [2021] 24) and the "Approval of appointment qualification of GU Qiang of China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd." (CBIRC Approval No. [2021] 23) issued by China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC). CBIRC has approved the appointment qualifications of Mr. ZHOU Donghui, Mr. CHEN Ran and Ms. LIU Xiaodan as directors of the Company and the appointment qualification of Mr. GU Qiang as a supervisor of the Company. The terms of office of Mr. ZHOU Donghui, Mr. CHEN Ran and Ms. LIU Xiaodan as directors of the Company and Mr. GU Qiang as a supervisor of the Company became effective on 8 January 2021.