The board of directors of China Isotope & Radiation Corporation announced that, recently, CIRC has successfully signed a contract for the overall supply project of nuclear medical equipment in Nigeria (the "Project"). The Project involves the construction of a new diagnosis and treatment center of cancerous tumors in Nigeria. As a leading enterprise in the application of nuclear technology in China, CIRC has actively responded to the "Rays of Hope" initiative of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) by organising a "China Solution" tailored to the customer's needs, and actively helping African customers establish and enhance their nuclear medical diagnosis and treatment capabilities.

Meanwhile, in a proactive response to the "Overall * Synergy" initiative of China Baoyuan Investment Company Limited and China National Nuclear Corporation (" CNNC"), the controlling shareholders of the Company, CIRC drives the afterloading unit manufactured by the equipment manufacturing plant of Nuclear Power Institute of China to be recognised by the owner. Within CIRC, collaborative efforts have been actively organized, with the radioisotope sources from Chengdu Gaotong Isotope Co. Ltd., a subsidiary of CIRC, being equipped as the " Chinese Core" for the afterloading unit.

In addition, the Project also includes equipment such as medical cyclotrons and CT simulators. Finally, CIRC successfully won the Project with the vigorous support of the CNNC Africa Regional Representative Office. The implementation of the Project is an important step for CIRC in promoting the globalisation of nuclear technology application products and industries in African region.

It is the first time for CIRC to successfully implement an overall supply project of Nuclear technology application industry in Africa, further contributing to the enhancement of CIRC's international business operations.