China-Hongkong Photo Products Holdings Limited provided earnings guidance for the year ended March 31, 2020. Group is expected to record a net loss attributable to the Shareholders of not less than HKD 15.9 million for the year ended 31 March 2020. The net loss attributable to the Shareholders for the Year is expected to increase by not less than HKD 1.9 million as compared to the net loss attributable to the Shareholders of HKD 14.0 million last year. The expected increase in net loss attributable to the Shareholders as mentioned above was mainly attributable to the decrease in revenue and gross profit following the social instability started from the 2nd half of the Year and the outbreak of the novel coronavirus epidemic ("COVID-19") started from the 4th quarter of the Year which strongly reduced inbound tourist traffic and dampened local consumer sentiment. The Group's retail operations and its sales of photographic related products were particularly affected when global travel restriction and social distancing were in place under COVID-19. In addition, the weakened economy reduced the net revaluation gain of the Group's investment properties which further enlarged the net loss of the Year as compared to that of last year.