China Hanking Holdings Limited announced at the AGM held on May 23, 2024, approved that Ms. Zhang Jing was duly appointed as an executive Director, Mr. Zhao Yanchao was duly appointed as a non-executive Director and Mr. Zhao Bingwen was duly appointed as an independent non-executive Director at the AGM for a term of three years commencing from the conclusion of the AGM. The Board further announces that, following the retirement of Mr. Kenneth Lee and Mr. Ma Qingshan, (i) Mr. Wang Ping, an existing independent non-executive Director, was appointed as a member of the Nomination Committee; (ii) Mr. Zhao Yanchao was appointed as a member of the Remuneration Committee; and (iii) Mr. Zhao Bingwen was appointed as a member of each of the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee.