China Green (Holdings) Limited announced unaudited consolidated earnings results for six months ended Oct. 31, 2016. For the period, the company reported turnover of RMB 111,927,000, loss from operations of RMB 207,186,000, loss before taxation of RMB 269,546,000, loss for the period from continuing operations attributable to owners of the company of RMB 269,546,000, loss for the period attributable to owners of the company of RMB 269,546,000, loss from continuing and discontinued operations - basic and diluted of 7.24 cents, loss from continuing operations - basic and diluted of 7.24 cents, net cash used in operating activities of RMB 336,362,000 compared to the turnover of RMB 164,338,000, loss from operations of RMB 59,092,000, loss before taxation of RMB 129,263,000, loss for the period from continuing operations attributable to owners of the company of RMB 125,651,000, loss for the period attributable to owners of the company of RMB 33,955,000, loss from continuing and discontinued operations - basic and diluted of 3.25 cents, loss from continuing operations - basic and diluted of 12.03 cents, net cash generated from operating activities of RMB 160,629,000 for the same period a year ago.