CEVA, Inc. announced the general release of its RivieraWaves Bluetooth 5.1 IP. Supporting the headline new feature of Direction Finding via Angle of Arrival (AoA) and Angle of Departure (AoD) for enhanced location services, the RW-Bluetooth 5.1 IP is available in both Bluetooth Dual Mode and Bluetooth Low Energy flavors. The potential for Real-Time Locating Systems (RTLS) and Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS) is huge across many markets including smart manufacturing, healthcare, proximity services in retail, wayfinding in airports, shopping malls, and hotels. With the ratification of direction finding using AoA and AoD as part of the Bluetooth 5.1 standard, Bluetooth offers an improved location service solution with unprecedented centimeter-level accuracy. As this industry scales, Bluetooth, with its very cost and power-efficient nature, backed with guaranteed interoperability, is set to become a technology of choice for RTLS & IPS. Companies like CEVA that support this latest Bluetooth standard are an important contributor to the proliferation of this technology. CEVA's RivieraWaves Bluetooth IP platforms provide comprehensive solutions for both Bluetooth LE and Bluetooth dual mode connectivity. Each platform consists of a hardware baseband controller, plus a software protocol stack. A flexible radio interface allows the platforms to be deployed with either RivieraWaves RF or various partners' RF IP, enabling optimal selection of foundry and process node. All Bluetooth 5.1 features are supported, including LE 2Mbps data rate, Long Range, LE Advertising Extension and AoA/AoD. With more than 1.5 billion devices shipped to date and dozens of licensees, the RivieraWaves Bluetooth IP is widely deployed in consumer and IoT devices with many of the semiconductors companies and OEMs, including smartphones, tablets, wireless speakers, wireless headsets and earbuds, hearing aids and other wearables.