13 March 2009

This announcement is not for release, publication or distribution in
or into any jurisdiction if to do so would constitute a violation of
the relevant laws of such jurisdiction.





  * On 15 January 2009, the Centrom Board announced that it was in
    discussions which may or may not lead to an offer being made for
    Centrom. The Centrom Board and the Maymask Board are pleased to
    announce that they have reached agreement on the terms of a
    recommended cash offer to be made by Maymask for the entire
    issued and to be issued share capital of Centrom.

  * The Offer is 0.023 pence in cash for every 1 (one) Centrom Share.

  * The Offer values the entire issued and to be issued share capital
    of Centrom at approximately £50,000.

  * The Offer is conditional upon, amongst other conditions, valid
    acceptances being received (and not, where permitted, withdrawn)
    in respect of not less than 90 per cent. in nominal value of (or
    such lesser percentage as Maymask may decide but being more than
    50 per cent. of the voting rights attaching to) the Centrom
    Shares to which the Offer relates.

  * Irrevocable undertakings to accept the Offer have been received
    in respect of 82,843,961 Centrom Shares, representing
    approximately 38.62 per cent. of the entire issued share capital
    of Centrom.

  * The Centrom Directors unanimously recommend that Centrom
    Shareholders accept the Offer.  The reasons for the Centrom
    Directors recommending the Offer are set out in this

This summary should be read in conjunction with the full text of this
announcement, including Appendix I, where the conditions of the Offer
are  set  out,  and  Appendix  II,  which  contains  details  of  the
irrevocable undertakings received. The  sources and bases of  certain
financial information contained in this  announcement are set out  in
Appendix III,  and  certain  terms  used  in  this  summary  and  the
announcement are set out in Appendix IV.


Hugh Blair, Managing Director                  +44 (0)7801 522311

Ryecroft Glenton, Financial adviser to Maymask
Nigel Wyrley-Birch                             +44 (0)191 281 1292

Gerald Malone, Chairman                        +44 (0)7711 085611

Marshall, Financial adviser to Centrom
John Webb/Robert Luetchford                    +44 (0)20 7490 3788

FinnCap, Nominated adviser to Centrom
Geoff Nash/Rose Herbert                        +44 (0)20 7600 1659

This announcement does not constitute, or form part of, any offer
for, or any solicitation of any offer for, securities of Centrom. Any
acceptance or other response to the Offer should be made only on the
basis of information referred to in the Offer Document and (in
respect of certificated shares) the Form of Acceptance, which Maymask
intends to despatch in due course to Centrom Shareholders and, for
information only, to Centrom Optionholders.

Unless otherwise determined by Maymask and permitted by applicable
law and regulation, the Offer will not be made, directly or
indirectly, in, into or from, or by use of the mails of, or by any
means or instrumentality (including, without limitation, facsimile
transmission, telex, telephone or email) of interstate or foreign
commerce of, or by any facility of a national securities exchange of,
nor will it be made in, into or from any jurisdiction if to do so
would constitute a violation of the relevant laws of such
jurisdiction and the Offer will not be capable of acceptance by any
such use, means, instrumentality or facilities. Accordingly, copies
of any documents relating to the Offer must not be, directly or
indirectly, mailed, transmitted or otherwise forwarded, distributed
or sent, in whole or in part, in, into or from any jurisdiction if to
do so would constitute a violation of the relevant laws of such
jurisdiction and persons receiving such documents (including
custodians, nominees and trustees) must not directly or indirectly
mail, transmit or otherwise forward, distribute or send them in, into
or from any such jurisdiction as to do so may invalidate any
purported acceptance of the Offer.

The availability of the Offer to persons who are not resident in
the United Kingdom may be affected by the laws of the jurisdiction in
which they are resident. Persons who are not resident in the United
Kingdom should inform themselves about, and observe, applicable

Ryecroft Glenton  is regulated  for a  range of  investment  business
activities by the Institute of  Chartered Accountants in England  and
Wales and is acting  exclusively for Maymask and  for no one else  in
connection with the Offer and will  not be responsible to any  person
other than Maymask for providing the protections afforded to  clients
of Ryecroft Glenton,  nor for   providing advice in  relation to  the
Offer, the contents of this announcement or any other matter referred
to herein.

Marshall, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom  by
the Financial Services Authority,  is acting exclusively for  Centrom
and for no  one else in  connection with  the Offer and  will not  be
responsible to  any  person  other than  Centrom  for  providing  the
protections afforded to clients of Marshall, nor for providing advice
in relation to the  Offer, the contents of  this announcement or  any
matters referred to herein.

The Maymask Directors accept responsibility for the information
contained in this announcement other than the information for which
responsibility is accepted by the Centrom Directors. To the best of
the knowledge and belief of the Maymask Directors (who have taken all
reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information
contained in this announcement for which they accept responsibility
is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to
affect the import of such information.

The Centrom  Directors  accept  responsibility  for  the  information
contained in  this  announcement  relating to  Centrom,  the  Centrom
Group, the  Centrom  Directors,  their  immediate  families,  related
trusts and  persons  connected with  them  save, in  each  case,  for
information on Maymask's future plans for Centrom, the Centrom  Group
and its management and  employees. To the best  of the knowledge  and
belief of the Centrom Directors  (who have taken all reasonable  care
to ensure that such is the  case), the information contained in  this
announcement for which  they accept responsibility  is in  accordance
with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import
of such information.

Forward looking statements

This announcement contains statements about Maymask and Centrom  (and
their respective groups and/or  subsidiary undertakings) that are  or
may  be  forward-looking  statements.   All  statements  other   than
statements of historical facts included  in this announcement may  be
forward-looking  statements.   Without  limitation,  any   statements
preceded or followed by or that include the words "targets", "plans",
"believes",   "expects",    "aims",   "intends",    "will",    "may",
"anticipates", "estimates", "projects" or  words or terms of  similar
substance or the  negative thereof  are forward-looking  statements.
Forward-looking statements  include (without  limitation)  statements
relating to the following:

(i)          future   capital   expenditures,   expenses,   revenues,
earnings, synergies,  economic performance,  indebtedness,  financial
condition, dividend policy, losses and future prospects;

(ii)        business and management strategies and the expansion  and
growth of  Maymask  or  Centrom operations  and  potential  synergies
resulting from the Offer; and

(iii)       the effects  of government regulation  on the Maymask  or
Centrom businesses.

These  forward-looking  statements  are  not  guarantees  of   future
performance.  They have not been reviewed by the auditors of  Maymask
or of Centrom.  They involve  known and unknown risks,  uncertainties
and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance  or
achievements  of  any  such  person,  or  industry  results,  to   be
materially different from  any results,  performance or  achievements
expressed or  implied  by  such  forward-looking  statements.   These
forward-looking  statements   are  based   on  numerous   assumptions
regarding the present and future business strategies of such  persons
and the environment in  which each will operate  in the future.   You
are cautioned  not to  place undue  reliance on  any  forward-looking
statements, which speak  only as  of the  date they  were made.   All
subsequent oral or written forward-looking statements attributable to
Maymask or Centrom or any members  of their respective groups or  any
persons acting  on  their behalf  are  expressly qualified  in  their
entirety by  the  cautionary statement  above.   All  forward-looking
statements included  in this  announcement are  based on  information
available on  the  date hereof.   Investors  should not  place  undue
reliance on such forward-looking  statements and neither Maymask  nor
Centrom undertake any  obligation to  publicly update  or revise  any
forward-looking statements.

Dealing Disclosure Requirements

Under the provisions of Rule  8.3 of the Code,  if any person is,  or
becomes "interested" (directly or  indirectly) in 1%  or more of  any
class of  "relevant securities"  of Centrom,  all "dealings"  in  any
"relevant securities"  of  that company  (including  by means  of  an
option in  respect  of,  or  a derivative  referenced  to,  any  such
"relevant securities") must  be publicly disclosed  by no later  than
3.30 p.m. on  the Business  Day following  the date  of the  relevant
transaction.  This requirement will continue until the date on  which
the Offer becomes, or is  declared, unconditional as to  acceptances,
lapses or  is otherwise  withdrawn  or on  which the  "offer  period"
otherwise ends.  If two or more  persons act together pursuant to  an
agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal, to acquire an
"interest" in "relevant securities" of  Centrom, they will be  deemed
to be a single person for the purpose of Rule 8.3.

Under the  provisions of  Rule 8.1  of the  Code, all  "dealings"  in
"relevant securities" of Centrom by Maymask or Centrom, or by any  of
their respective "associates",  must be  disclosed by  no later  than
12.00 noon on  the Business Day  following the date  of the  relevant

A  disclosure  table,  giving  details  of  the  companies  in  whose
"relevant securities" "dealings" should be disclosed, and the  number
of such securities in issue, can  be found on the Panel's website  at

"Interests in securities" arise, in  summary, when a person has  long
economic exposure, whether conditional or absolute, to changes in the
price of  securities.  In  particular, a  person will  be treated  as
having an  "interest"  by  virtue  of the  ownership  or  control  of
securities, or by virtue of any  option in respect of, or  derivative
referenced to, securities.

Terms in quotation marks are defined  in the Code, which can also  be
found on the Panel's website. If you  are in any doubt as to  whether
or not you  are required to  disclose a "dealing"  under Rule 8,  you
should consult the Panel.

In accordance with Rule 2.10 of  the Code, the Company confirms  that
it has 214,533,400 ordinary shares of 1 pence each in issue under the
ISIN code GB00B08N4R59.

13 March 2009
This announcement is not for release, publication or distribution in
or into
any jurisdiction if to do so would constitute a violation of the
relevant laws of such jurisdiction.




1            Introduction

On 15  January 2009,  the  Centrom Board  announced  that it  was  in
discussions which may  or may  not lead to  an offer  being made  for
Centrom. The  Centrom Board  and  the Maymask  Board are  pleased  to
announce  that  they  have  reached  agreement  on  the  terms  of  a
recommended cash offer to  be made by Maymask  for the entire  issued
and to be issued share capital of Centrom.

2            Summary of the Offer

Maymask will offer  to acquire  the entire  issued and  to be  issued
share capital of Centrom, on the terms and subject to the  conditions
set out in Appendix I to this announcement, and the further terms and
conditions to be  set out in  the Offer Document  and (in respect  of
certificated shares)  in the  Form of  Acceptance, on  the  following

 for every 1 (one) Centrom Share                               0.023
                            pence in cash

The Offer values the entire issued and to be issued share capital  of
Centrom at  approximately  £50,000  (assuming  the  exercise  of  all
outstanding options).  The Offer  of 0.023  pence per  Centrom  Share
compares to a  mid-market price  of 0.175 pence  as at  the close  of
business on 14 January 2009 (being the last Business Day prior to the
commencement of the Offer Period) and 0.275 pence as at the close  of
business on 12 March 2009 (being  the last Business Day prior to  the
announcement of the Offer).

Centrom Shareholders  who  validly  accept  the  Offer  will  not  be
entitled to receive payment for any amounts of less than 1 pence  and
any such amounts will be disregarded.  Any amounts payable to Centrom
Shareholders who validly accept the Offer which include fractions  of
1 pence will  be rounded  down to the  nearest whole  penny and  such
fractional entitlements will be disregarded.

The Offer will be conditional  upon, amongst other conditions,  valid
acceptances being received (and  not, where permitted, withdrawn)  in
respect of not less than  90 per cent. in  nominal value of (or  such
lesser percentage as Maymask  may decide but being  more than 50  per
cent. of the voting rights attaching to) the Centrom Shares to  which
the Offer relates.

The Offer will extend to all Centrom Shares unconditionally  allotted
or issued  as  at  the date  of  the  Offer and  any  Centrom  Shares
unconditionally allotted or issued fully  paid (or credited as  fully
paid) before  the date  on which  the  Offer ceases  to be  open  for
acceptance (or such earlier date as Maymask may, subject to the Code,
decide, not being earlier than the date on which the Offer becomes or
is declared unconditional as to acceptances or, if earlier, the First
Closing Date).

The Centrom Shares will be acquired pursuant to the Offer fully  paid
and free from all liens, equitable interests, charges,  encumbrances,
rights of  pre-emption and  other third  party rights  of any  nature
whatsoever and together  with all rights  now or hereafter  attaching
thereto, including (without limitation)  voting rights and the  right
to receive  and  retain  all dividends  and  distributions  (if  any)
announced, declared, made or paid hereafter.

3            Irrevocable undertakings

Maymask  has   received   irrevocable   undertakings   from   Centrom
Shareholders to accept (or  procure the acceptance  of) the Offer  in
respect of,  in aggregate,  82,843,961 Centrom  Shares,  representing
approximately 38.62  per  cent.  of  Centrom's  entire  issued  share

Further details of these irrevocable undertakings, including  details
of the circumstances in which they  will cease to be binding, can  be
found in Appendix II of this announcement.

4            Background to, and reasons for, recommending the Offer

In April 2006, Centrom announced the appointment of a new  management
team and a  placing which  raised £300,000  for the  Company for  the
purpose of increasing the Company's  working capital. Costs were  cut
and Centrom realigned its business  to focus on data centre  services
and professional  services, reducing  its involvement  in low  margin
hardware sales activity.  During the  remainder of  2006 and  through
2007, Centrom made progress in  improving its margins and  developing
its focus on healthcare and  public sector work. Centrom developed  a
number of partnerships  to broaden and  strengthen its offering.  The
Centrom Board recognised that,  whilst Centrom's technical  expertise
was well regarded by customers and potential customers, it lacked the
scale and  capital required  to bid  for larger  contracts and  would
benefit from  a broader  base.  The Centrom  Board sought  to  expand
Centrom through acquisition and/or merger and held discussions with a
number  of  parties.  None  of   these  discussions  resulted  in   a

Centrom's financial  results  for the  year  ended 31  December  2007
showed continued improvement in margin and modest improvement in cash
flow. Centrom  worked on  various  projects related  to the  NHS  and
focussed on  data  collection  and storage;  but  the  Centrom  Group
continued  to  be   affected  by  delays   to  the  commencement   of
professional  services  contracts.  Since  April  2008,  Centrom  has
experienced a tightening of cash  flows as a consequence of  extended
timing on consultancy  contracts. These  problems included  contracts
linked to  the NHS  National  Programme for  Information  Technology,
which experienced significant delays. These factors have resulted  in
reduced turnover and poor cash flow.

It was clear  to the Centrom  Board that Centrom  needed to find  new
capital or  become a  part of  a  new group  with, most  likely,  the
Centrom Shares no longer being  traded on AIM. The Centrom  Directors
held new discussions  with a number  of parties, one  of which was  a
strategic investor with expertise  in Centrom's markets. Another  was
Maymask, which the Centrom Directors understand is seeking to build a
group of IT companies addressing the healthcare and related markets.

Since Centrom published its interim results for the six months to  30
June 2008  at the  end  of September  2008, trading  performance  has
remained poor and the Centrom Group has come under increasing working
capital  pressure.  The  general  economic  background  has  worsened
significantly. The Centrom Directors again concluded that, unless new
capital was injected in the near  term, Centrom would have to join  a
new group  with, most  likely,  the Centrom  Shares no  longer  being
traded on AIM. The Centrom  Directors concluded that, in the  current
market, it would be difficult to  find adequate support for an  issue
of new equity  and, in the  current banking crisis,  there is  little
prospect of the Company securing any increase in its working  capital
facilities. Whilst Centrom's  lenders have been  supportive to  date,
such support  may not  continue  unless Centrom  is able  quickly  to
demonstrate a  return  to positive  cash  flows and  a  reduction  in

In recommending the Offer, the Centrom Directors considered,  amongst
others, the following factors:

  * the Offer provides the Centrom Shareholders with a cash payment
    for their Centrom Shares on the Offer becoming or being declared
    unconditional in all respects;
  * the Offer provides a platform for the development of the Centrom
    business and the continued employment of its staff;
  * the Centrom Directors consider that, in the absence of the Offer
    or another immediate proposal which gives Centrom access to
    sufficient working capital and is capable of being completed in
    very short order, it is unlikely that the business will be
    capable of remaining as a going concern; and
  * despite the Centrom Directors holding discussions with many
    parties and Centrom being in the Offer Period since 15 January
    2009, no third party (other than Maymask) has come forward with
    any proposal to acquire Centrom for cash or for quoted

If the Offer does not become or is not declared unconditional in  all
respects,  the  Centrom  Directors  consider  it  unlikely  that   an
alternative proposal will be  able to be  identified and executed  in
time to secure Centrom's continued trading in its current form,  with
the result  that  Centrom's employees,  shareholders,  creditors  and
customers would, almost certainly, all be seriously disadvantaged.

5            Current trading and prospects of Centrom

As noted  above, Centrom  has experienced  increased working  capital
pressure since  September 2008  and trading  conditions have  further
weakened the Centrom  Group's position against  a worsening  economic

6.            Information on Maymask

Maymask is a  private limited company  which is owned  by Gordon  Roy
Peters and  Hugh McGill  Blair.   Maymask has  not traded  since  its
incorporation  on  30  March  2005  nor  has  it  entered  into   any
obligations other than in connection with the Offer and the financing
of the Offer.  The directors of  Maymask are Gordon Roy Peters,  Dino
Etore George Peters and Hugh McGill Blair.

Further information relating to Maymask will be set out in the  Offer

7.            Information on Centrom

Centrom is the parent  company of the Centrom  Group and the  Centrom
Shares are admitted to trading on AIM. Centrom has been trading since
2005 in  consultancy  services,  specialising  in  the  provision  of
managed solutions  for information  management, risk  management  and
records and case management in the health sector.

In the  12 months  ended  31 December  2007, Centrom's  turnover  was
£3,533,540, reporting a loss of £346,048.

Further information regarding Centrom and  the Centrom Group will  be
set out in the Offer Document.

8            Employees and location

The Maymask  Board has  assured the  Centrom Directors  that, if  the
Offer becomes  or  is declared  unconditional  in all  respects,  the
existing employment rights of all employees of the Centrom Group will
be safeguarded.

Further, Maymask has indicated that  it does not currently intend  to
change the  principal  location  of  the  Centrom  Group's  place  of
business (although it may consider opportunities to move to a  nearby
location in Fleet) or redeploy any of its fixed assets or effect  any
material change in any  terms or conditions of  employment of any  of
the Centrom Group's employees.

9          Centrom Directors' recommendation

The  Centrom  Directors,  who  have  been  so  advised  by  Marshall,
unanimously consider the terms of the Offer to be fair and reasonable
so far as the Centrom Shareholders are concerned. In providing advice
to the  Centrom  Directors,  Marshall  has  taken  into  account  the
commercial assessments of the Centrom Directors.

Centrom Shareholders should note that the Centrom Directors  consider
that, if the Offer does not  become or is not declared  unconditional
in all respects, it is unlikely that an alternative proposal will  be
able to  be  identified and  executed  in time  to  secure  Centrom's
continued trading in its current  form, with the result that  Centrom
Shareholders would, almost certainly, be seriously disadvantaged.

The Centrom Directors believe that the terms of the Offer are in  the
best interests of the Centrom Shareholders as a whole and unanimously
recommend that the Centrom Shareholders accept the Offer. The Centrom
Directors (and certain persons connected with them) have  irrevocably
undertaken to  accept  the  Offer  (or  procure  that  the  Offer  be
accepted) in respect of their entire beneficial interests, which,  in
aggregate,  amount   to  19,988,876   Centrom  Shares,   representing
approximately 9.32 per cent.  of the entire  issued share capital  of
Centrom as at 12 March 2009 (being the latest practicable date  prior
to publication of this announcement).

10.       Centrom Share options

Centrom has in  place a share  plan comprising of  two parts, an  EMI
plan and an unapproved plan.  Details  of the plan were announced  by
Centrom on  24 May  2007 and  the plan  was approved  by the  Centrom
Shareholders at the general meeting of  Centrom on 22 June 2007.   At
present, no options have been granted under the plan.

That aside, one individual holds options over 600,000 Centrom Shares,
exercisable at  5p  each, pursuant  to  an option  agreement  between
Centrom and  that individual  dated 9  June 2005.   The options  will
lapse no later than 9 June 2010.

11.       Financing of the Offer

Maymask will fund the cash  consideration payable under the terms  of
the Offer from its existing cash reserves.

Ryecroft Glenton is satisfied that sufficient financial resources are
available to  Maymask  to  satisfy in  full  the  cash  consideration
payable in connection with the Offer.

12.         Compulsory acquisition,  cancellation of  trading on  AIM
and re-registration

If Maymask receives acceptances under the Offer in respect of, and/or
otherwise acquires, 90  per cent.  or more  in nominal  value of  the
Centrom Shares to which the Offer relates and 90 per cent. or more of
the voting rights carried  by the Centrom Shares  to which the  offer
relates and assuming that  all of the other  conditions of the  Offer
have been satisfied or waived  (if capable of being waived),  Maymask
intends to exercise its rights pursuant to sections 974 to 991 of the
2006 Act to acquire compulsorily on  the same terms as the Offer  any
outstanding Centrom Shares.

Assuming the  Offer  becomes  or is  declared  unconditional  in  all
respects,  Maymask  also  intends  to   procure  the  making  of   an
application  by  Centrom  to  the  London  Stock  Exchange  for   the
cancellation of admission to  trading of Centrom  Shares on AIM.   If
this cancellation occurs, it will significantly reduce the  liquidity
and marketability of any Centrom Shares in respect of which the Offer
has not been accepted at that time and the value of any such  Centrom
Shares may be adversely affected as a consequence.

Following the Offer becoming or  being declared unconditional in  all
respects and after the  cancellation of admission  to trading of  the
Centrom Shares on AIM, it is the intention of Maymask to procure that
a resolution of the Centrom  Shareholders is proposed to  re-register
Centrom as a private limited company under the relevant provisions of
the 2006 Act.

13.       General

The Offer will  be made on  the terms and  subject to the  conditions
which are  set out  in Appendix  I to  this announcement  and on  the
further terms that  will be  set out in  the Offer  Document and  (in
respect of  certificated shares)  the Form  of Acceptance,  and  such
further terms as may be required to comply with the provisions of the

Maymask intends that the  Offer Document setting  out the details  of
the formal Offer will  be posted to Centrom  Shareholders as soon  as
reasonably practicable and in any event within 28 days of the date of
this announcement.

Details of the  sources and bases  of information in  respect of  the
information contained in this announcement are contained in  Appendix
III to this announcement. Appendix  IV to this announcement  contains
definitions of certain expressions used in this announcement.

Save as disclosed in  this announcement, as at  12 March 2009,  being
the latest  practicable  date  prior to  this  announcement,  neither
Maymask, any of the Maymask Directors (and their close relatives  and
related trusts) nor, so far as Maymask is aware, any person acting in
concert with Maymask, has any interest  in or any right to  subscribe
for or has any short  positions (whether conditional or absolute  and
whether in the  money or  otherwise) (including  any short  positions
under a derivative, any agreement to sell or any delivery  obligation
or right to require another person  to purchase or take delivery)  in
or has borrowed or lent (save for any borrowed shares which have been
either on-lent or sold) any "relevant securities" of Centrom nor does
any such person have any arrangement  with Centrom or Maymask or  any
of their respective associates  in relation to "relevant  securities"
of  Centrom.  For   these  purposes,   "relevant  securities"   means
securities of  Centrom which  are being  offered for  or which  carry
voting rights,  equity share  capital of  Centrom and  securities  of
Centrom carrying conversion  or subscription rights  into any of  the
foregoing,  and,  "arrangement"  includes  any  indemnity  or  option
arrangement, any agreement or  understanding, formal or informal,  of
whatever nature, relating to  "relevant securities" of Centrom  which
may be  an  inducement  to  deal or  refrain  from  dealing  in  such
securities.  "Interest"  includes,  in  summary,  any  long  economic
exposure, whether conditional or absolute, to changes in the price of
securities and a person is treated as having an "interest" by  virtue
of the ownership or control of securities, or by virtue of any option
in respect  of,  or  derivative referenced  to,  securities.  In  the
interests of confidentiality, Maymask has  not made enquires in  this
respect of certain  parties who may  be presumed by  the Panel to  be
acting in concert with it for the purposes of the Offer.

This announcement  does  not  constitute  an  offer  to  sell  or  an
invitation to  purchase  or  subscribe  for  any  securities  or  the
solicitation of any vote or approval or an offer to buy or  subscribe
for any securities pursuant to the Offer or otherwise. The Offer will
be made solely by the Offer Document and (in respect of  certificated
shares) the Form of Acceptance accompanying the Offer Document, which
will contain the full  terms and conditions  of the Offer,  including
details of how the Offer may be accepted. The Offer Document will  be
posted in due  course to the  Centrom Optionholders (for  information
only) and those Centrom Shareholders  able to receive it.  Copies  of
the Offer Document and the Form of Acceptance (for use by holders  of
Centrom Shares  in  certificated form  only)  will be  available  for
inspection following posting of such documents during usual  business
hours on Business Days while the Offer remains open for acceptance at
the offices of Watson Burton LLP located at Floor 29, 30 St Mary Axe,
London, EC3A 8BF, by ringing +44 (0)20 7337 8300 and asking to  speak
to Vera Lyons.

Those Centrom Shareholders receiving the Offer Document are  strongly
advised to read it in full, as it will contain important information,
and where relevant to seek appropriate independent advice in relation
to its contents.

The availability of the Offer to  persons not resident in the  United
Kingdom may be affected  by the laws  of the relevant  jurisdiction.
Persons who are subject  to the laws of  any jurisdiction other  than
the United Kingdom should inform  themselves about, and observe,  any
applicable requirements.

The Offer will not  be made, directly or  indirectly, in, into or  by
use of the mails of, or  by any means or instrumentality  (including,
without limitation, telephonically  or electronically) of  interstate
or foreign commerce  of, or any  facilities of a  national, state  or
other securities exchange of, the United States, Canada, Australia or
Japan or  any other  jurisdiction  if to  do  so would  constitute  a
violation  of  the   relevant  laws  of   such  jurisdiction.    This
announcement does  not  constitute an  offer  in the  United  States,
Canada, Australia or  Japan or  any such other  jurisdiction and  the
Offer will  not be  capable of  acceptance by  any such  use,  means,
instrumentality or facilities or otherwise from or within the  United
States, Canada, Australia or Japan  or any such other  jurisdiction.
Accordingly, neither this  announcement, nor the  Offer Document  and
the accompanying Form of Acceptance are being, nor should be, mailed,
transmitted or otherwise distributed, in whole or in part, in or into
or from the  United States, Canada,  Australia or Japan  or any  such
other jurisdiction.   Doing  so  may  render  invalid  any  purported
acceptance of the Offer.

The laws of the relevant jurisdictions may affect the availability of
the Offer to  persons who  are not  resident in  the United  Kingdom.
Persons who are not resident in the United Kingdom or who are subject
to laws of  any jurisdiction  other than the  United Kingdom,  should
inform themselves about,  and observe,  any applicable  requirements.
Any person (including nominees,  trustees and custodians) who  would,
or  otherwise  intends  to,  forward  this  announcement,  the  Offer
Document and/or the Form of  Acceptance or any accompanying  document
to any jurisdiction outside the  United Kingdom, should refrain  from
doing so and seek appropriate  professional advice before taking  any

This announcement does  not constitute,  or form part  of, any  offer
for, or  any solicitation  of  any offer  for  or any  invitation  to
purchase, securities. Any acceptance or  other response to the  Offer
should be made only  on the basis of  information referred to in  the
Offer Document and the  Form of Acceptance  which Maymask intends  to
despatch to  Centrom  Shareholders  and,  for  information  only,  to
Centrom Optionholders as soon as practicable.

The Offer and acceptances of it will be governed by English Law.  The
Offer will be subject to the applicable requirements of the Code, the
Panel and the London  Stock Exchange and  other legal and  regulatory

Ryecroft Glenton  is regulated  for a  range of  investment  business
activities by the Institute of  Chartered Accountants in England  and
Wales and is acting  exclusively for Maymask and  for no one else  in
connection with the Offer and will  not be responsible to any  person
other than Maymask for providing the protections afforded to  clients
of Ryecroft  Glenton, nor  for providing  advice in  relation to  the
Offer, the contents of this announcement or any other matter referred
to herein.

Marshall, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom  by
the Financial Services Authority,  is acting exclusively for  Centrom
and for no  one else in  connection with  the Offer and  will not  be
responsible to  any  person  other than  Centrom  for  providing  the
protections afforded to clients of Marshall, nor for providing advice
in relation to the  Offer, the contents of  this announcement or  any
matters referred to herein.

Forward looking statements

This announcement contains statements about Maymask and Centrom  (and
their respective groups and/or  subsidiary undertakings) that are  or
may  be  forward-looking  statements.   All  statements  other   than
statements of historical facts included  in this announcement may  be
forward-looking  statements.   Without  limitation,  any   statements
preceded or followed by or that include the words "targets", "plans",
"believes",   "expects",    "aims",   "intends",    "will",    "may",
"anticipates", "estimates", "projects" or  words or terms of  similar
substance or the  negative thereof  are forward-looking  statements.
Forward-looking statements  include (without  limitation)  statements
relating to the following:

(i)          future   capital   expenditures,   expenses,   revenues,
earnings, synergies,  economic performance,  indebtedness,  financial
condition, dividend policy, losses and future prospects;

(ii)        business and management strategies and the expansion  and
growth of  Maymask  or  Centrom operations  and  potential  synergies
resulting from the Offer; and

(iii)       the effects  of government regulation  on the Maymask  or
Centrom businesses.

These  forward-looking  statements  are  not  guarantees  of   future
performance.  They have not been reviewed by the auditors of  Maymask
or of Centrom.  They involve  known and unknown risks,  uncertainties
and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance  or
achievements  of  any  such  person,  or  industry  results,  to   be
materially different from  any results,  performance or  achievements
expressed or  implied  by  such  forward-looking  statements.   These
forward-looking  statements   are  based   on  numerous   assumptions
regarding the present and future business strategies of such  persons
and the environment in  which each will operate  in the future.   You
are cautioned  not to  place undue  reliance on  any  forward-looking
statements, which speak  only as  of the  date they  were made.   All
subsequent oral or written forward-looking statements attributable to
Maymask or Centrom or any members  of their respective groups or  any
persons acting  on  their behalf  are  expressly qualified  in  their
entirety by  the  cautionary statement  above.   All  forward-looking
statements included  in this  announcement are  based on  information
available on  the  date hereof.   Investors  should not  place  undue
reliance on such forward-looking  statements and neither Maymask  nor
Centrom undertake any  obligation to  publicly update  or revise  any
forward-looking statements.

Dealing Disclosure Requirements

Under the provisions of Rule  8.3 of the Code,  if any person is,  or
becomes "interested" (directly or  indirectly) in 1%  or more of  any
class of  "relevant securities"  of Centrom,  all "dealings"  in  any
"relevant securities"  of  that company  (including  by means  of  an
option in  respect  of,  or  a derivative  referenced  to,  any  such
"relevant securities") must  be publicly disclosed  by no later  than
3.30 p.m. on  the Business  Day following  the date  of the  relevant
transaction.  This requirement will continue until the date on  which
the Offer becomes, or is  declared, unconditional as to  acceptances,
lapses or  is otherwise  withdrawn  or on  which the  "offer  period"
otherwise ends.  If two or more  persons act together pursuant to  an
agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal, to acquire an
"interest" in "relevant securities" of  Centrom, they will be  deemed
to be a single person for the purpose of Rule 8.3.

Under the  provisions of  Rule 8.1  of the  Code, all  "dealings"  in
"relevant securities" of Centrom by Maymask or Centrom, or by any  of
their respective "associates",  must be  disclosed by  no later  than
12.00 noon on  the Business Day  following the date  of the  relevant

A  disclosure  table,  giving  details  of  the  companies  in  whose
"relevant securities" "dealings" should be disclosed, and the  number
of such securities in issue, can  be found on the Panel's website  at

"Interests in securities" arise, in  summary, when a person has  long
economic exposure, whether conditional or absolute, to changes in the
price of  securities.  In  particular, a  person will  be treated  as
having an  "interest"  by  virtue  of the  ownership  or  control  of
securities, or by virtue of any  option in respect of, or  derivative
referenced to, securities.

Terms in quotation marks are defined  in the Code, which can also  be
found on the Panel's website. If you  are in any doubt as to  whether
or not you  are required to  disclose a "dealing"  under Rule 8,  you
should consult the Panel.

In accordance with Rule 2.10 of  the Code, the Company confirms  that
it has 214,533,400 ordinary shares of 1 pence each in issue under the
ISIN code GB00B08N4R59.

13 March 2009


Conditions of the Offer

The Offer, which will be made by Ryecroft Glenton on behalf of
Maymask, will be subject to the following conditions:

1.                        Valid acceptances of the Offer being
received (and not, where permitted, withdrawn) by no later than 1.00
pm on the First Closing Date (or, subject to the Code or with the
consent of the Panel, such later time(s) and/or dates(s) as Maymask
may decide) in respect of not less than 90 per cent. (or such lesser
percentage as Maymask may decide) of the Centrom Shares to which the
Offer relates.  However, this condition will not be satisfied unless
Maymask shall have acquired, or agreed to acquire, whether pursuant
to the Offer or otherwise, directly or indirectly, Centrom Shares
carrying, in aggregate, over 50 per cent. of the voting rights
normally exercisable at general meetings of Centrom, including, for
this purpose (except to the extent otherwise agreed by the Panel),
any such voting rights attaching to any Centrom Shares which are
unconditionally allotted or issued before the Offer becomes or is
declared unconditional as to acceptances.  In this condition:

(a)                      the expression "Centrom Shares to which the
Offer relates" shall be construed in accordance with Chapter 3 of
Part 28 of the 2006 Act;

(b)                     Centrom Shares which have been
unconditionally allotted but not issued shall be deemed to carry the
voting rights which they will carry when they are issued; and

(c)                      "valid acceptances" shall be treated as
having been received in respect of any Centrom Shares which are
treated for the purposes of Chapter 3 of Part 28 of the 2006 Act as
having been acquired, or contracted to be acquired, by Maymask by
virtue of acceptances of the Offer.


(a)                      All material authorisations in any relevant
jurisdiction necessary for, or in respect of, the Offer, its
implementation or any acquisition of any shares in, or control of,
Centrom or any other member of the Centrom Group by Maymask having
been obtained from any third party or from any person or body with
whom any member of the Centrom Group has entered into contractual
arrangements and all such authorisations remaining in full force and
effect and there being no intimation of any intention to revoke or
not renew the same;

(b)                     All material authorisations necessary to
carry on the business of any member of the Centrom Group remaining in
full force and effect and there being no written notice to revoke or
not renew the same; and

(c)                      All material filings in the context of the
Enlarged Group and/or the Offer having been made and all applicable
waiting periods in respect of such having expired, lapsed or been
terminated, in each case as may be necessary or expedient in
connection with the Offer, its implementation or any acquisition or
proposed acquisition of shares in, or control or management of,
Centrom or any other member of the Centrom Group by Maymask, under
the laws or regulations of any jurisdiction, and all applicable
statutory or regulatory obligations in connection therewith in any
jurisdiction having been complied with.

3.           No third party, prior to the date when the Offer
otherwise becomes or is declared unconditional in all respects,
having instituted, implemented or threatened any legal proceedings,
or having required any action to be taken which may lead to a threat
of the same, (and not having irrevocably withdrawn such proceedings)
or having enacted, made or proposed any statute, regulation, order or
decision or taken any other step and there not continuing to be
outstanding any statute, regulation, order or decision that would or
might reasonably be expected to:

(a)                      make the Offer, its implementation or the
acquisition or proposed acquisition of any Centrom Shares, or control
or management of Centrom and/or any member of the Centrom Group, by
Maymask illegal, void or unenforceable; or

(b)                     directly or indirectly, materially restrict,
restrain, prohibit, delay or otherwise interfere with the
implementation of, or impose additional conditions or obligations
with respect to, or otherwise challenge or interfere with, the Offer
or the acquisition or proposed acquisition of Centrom Shares by
Maymask; or

(c)                      require, prevent or materially delay the
divestiture by Maymask of any shares or other securities in Centrom;

(d)                     impose any material limitation on the ability
of Maymask to acquire or hold or exercise effectively, directly or
indirectly, any rights of ownership of shares or other securities or
the equivalent in any member of the Centrom Group, or management
control over any member of the Centrom Group, in any such case in a
manner or to an extent which is material to Maymask in the context of
the Offer or, as the case may be, in the context of the Enlarged
Group; or

(e)                      require, prevent or materially delay the
disposal by any member of the Centrom Group or Maymask, or alter the
terms of any proposed disposal by any member of the Centrom Group or
Maymask, of all or any part of their respective businesses, assets or
properties or impose any limitation on the ability of any of them to
conduct their respective businesses or own their respective assets or
properties, in any such case in a manner or to an extent which is
material to Maymask in the context of the Offer or, as the case may
be, in the context of the Enlarged Group; or

(f)                       require Maymask or the Centrom Group to
offer to acquire any shares or other securities (or the equivalent)
in any member of the Centrom Group or Maymask owned by any third
party (in each case, other than in implementation of the Offer),
where such acquisition would be material to Maymask in the context of
the Offer or, as the case may be, in the context of the Enlarged
Group; or

(g)                     impose any limitation on the ability of
Maymask or the Centrom Group to integrate or co-ordinate its
business, or any part of it, with the businesses, or any part of the
businesses, of Maymask and/or the Centrom Group, in each case in a
manner which would be material to Maymask in the context of the Offer
or, as the case may be, in the context of the Enlarged Group; or

(h)                     result in Maymask or the Centrom Group
ceasing to be able to carry on its business under any name under
which it presently uses, to an extent which is material to Maymask in
the context of the Offer or, as the case may be, in the context of
the Enlarged Group; or

(i)                       otherwise adversely affect any or all of
the businesses, assets, prospects or profits of Maymask or the
Centrom Group, to an extent which is material to Maymask in the
context of the Offer or, as the case may be, in the context of the
Enlarged Group,

and all applicable waiting periods and other time periods during
which any such third party could institute, implement or threaten any
legal proceedings, having expired, lapsed or been terminated.

4.            Save as Disclosed, there being, prior to the date when
the Offer otherwise becomes or is declared unconditional in all
respects, no provision of any agreements to which any member of the
Centrom Group is a party, or by or to which any such member, or any
part of its assets, may be bound, entitled or subject, which would,
in each case as a consequence of the Offer or of the acquisition or
proposed acquisition of all or any part of the issued share capital
of, or change of control or management of, Centrom or any other
member of the Centrom Group, reasonably be expected to  result (in
each case to an extent which is material to Maymask in the context of
the Offer or, as the case may be, in the context of the Enlarged
Group)  in:

(a)                      any material assets or interests of any
member of the Centrom Group being or falling to be disposed of or
charged in any way or ceasing to be available to any member of the
Centrom Group or any rights arising under which any such asset or
interest could be required to be disposed of or charged in any way or
could cease to be available to any member of the Centrom Group,
otherwise than in the ordinary course of business; or

(b)                     any moneys borrowed by, or other indebtedness
(actual or contingent) of, or any grant available to, any member of
the Centrom Group, in each case which is not repayable on demand,
being or becoming repayable or capable of being declared repayable
immediately or earlier than the repayment date stated in such
agreement or the ability of such member of the Centrom Group to incur
any such borrowing or indebtedness becoming or being capable of
becoming withdrawn, inhibited or prohibited; or

(c)                      any such agreement or the rights,
liabilities, obligations or interests of any such member under it
being terminated or adversely modified or affected or any onerous
obligation arising or any adverse action being taken under it; or

(d)                     the interests or business of any such member
in or with any third party (or any arrangements relating to any such
interests or business) being terminated or adversely modified or
affected; or

(e)                      the financial or trading position or value
of any member of the Centrom Group being materially prejudiced or
materially adversely affected; or

(f)                       the creation of any mortgage, charge or
other security interest over the whole or any part of the business,
property or assets of any member of the Centrom Group or any such
security (whenever arising or having arisen) becoming enforceable or
being enforced; or

(g)                     any member of the Centrom Group ceasing to be
able to carry on business under any name under which or on the terms
on which it currently does so; or

(h)                     the creation of actual or contingent
liabilities by any member of the Centrom Group,

and no event having occurred which, under any provision of any such
agreement to which any member of the Centrom Group is a party, or by
or to which any such member, or any of its assets, may be bound,
entitled or subject, could result, to an extent which is material to
Maymask in the context of the Offer or, as the case may be, in the
context of the Enlarged Group, in any of the events or circumstances
as are referred to in the above sub-paragraphs of this paragraph 4.

5.            Since the Accounting Date and at any time prior to the
Offer otherwise becoming or being declared unconditional in all
respects, save as Disclosed, no member of the Centrom Group having:

(a)                      issued or agreed to or authorised or
proposed the issue or grant of additional shares of any class, or
securities convertible into or exchangeable for, or rights, warrants
or options to subscribe for or acquire, any such shares or
convertible securities; or

(b)                     redeemed, purchased, repaid or reduced or
proposed the redemption, purchase, repayment or reduction of any part
of its share capital or made or proposed the making of any other
change to its share capital; or

(c)                      recommended, declared, paid or made or
proposed to recommend, declare, pay or make any dividend, bonus issue
or other distribution, whether payable in cash or otherwise; or

(d)                     merged with, demerged from or acquired, any
body corporate or authorised or proposed or announced any intention
to propose any such merger, demerger or acquisition; or

(e)                      other than in the ordinary course of
business, acquired or disposed of, transferred, mortgaged, charged,
created or granted any security interest over any assets (including
shares and trade investments) or authorised or proposed or announced
any intention to propose any acquisition, disposal, transfer,
mortgage, charge, creation or grant of any such security interest,
which, in any case, is material to Maymask in the context of the
Offer or, as the case may be, in the context of the Enlarged Group;

(f)                       issued or authorised or proposed the issue
of any debentures or incurred or, save in the ordinary course of
business, increased any borrowings, indebtedness or liability (actual
or contingent) of  any aggregate amount, which is material to Maymask
in the context of the Offer or, as the case may be, in the context of
the Enlarged Group; or

(g)                     entered into or varied, or authorised or
proposed the entry into or variation of, or announced its intention
to enter into or vary, any transaction, arrangement, contract or
commitment (whether in respect of capital expenditure or otherwise)
which is outside the ordinary course of business or which is of a
long term, onerous or of an unusual nature or magnitude or involves
or could involve an obligation which is or could be restrictive to
the existing business of any member of the Centrom Group and which,
in any such case, is material to Maymask in the context of the Offer
or, as the case may be, in the context of the Enlarged Group; or

(h)                     entered into, implemented, effected,
authorised or proposed or announced its intention to enter into,
implement, effect, authorise or propose any contract, reconstruction,
amalgamation, scheme, commitment or other transaction or arrangement
otherwise than in the ordinary course of business which is material
to Maymask in the context of the Offer or, as the case may be, in the
context of the Enlarged Group; or

(i)                       waived or compromised any claim which is
material to Maymask in the context of the Offer or, as the case may
be, in the context of the Enlarged Group, or

(j)                       entered into or varied or made any offer
(which remains open for acceptance) to enter into or vary the terms
of any contract with any of the Centrom Directors or senior
executives of Centrom or (to the extent it is material to Maymask in
the context of the Offer or, as the case may be, in the context of
the Enlarged Group)  any of the directors or senior executives of any
other member of the Centrom Group; or

(k)                      taken or proposed any corporate action or
had any legal proceedings instituted or threatened against it or
petition presented for its winding-up (voluntary or otherwise),
dissolution or reorganisation or for the appointment of a receiver,
administrator, administrative receiver, trustee or similar officer
over all or any material part of its assets and revenues or for any
analogous proceedings or steps in any jurisdiction or for the
appointment of any analogous person in any jurisdiction which, in any
case, is material to Maymask in the context of the Offer or, as the
case may be, in the context of the Enlarged Group; or

(l)                       been unable, or admitted in writing that it
is unable, to pay its debts or has stopped or suspended (or
threatened to stop or suspend) payment of its debts generally or
ceased or threatened to cease carrying on all or a substantial part
of its business or, by reason of any anticipated financial
difficulties, commenced negotiations with one or more of its
creditors with a view to rescheduling any of its indebtedness, in any
case which is or would be material to Maymask in the context of the
Offer or, as the case may be, in the context of the Enlarged Group;

(m)                    made any alteration to its memorandum or
articles of association, or other incorporation documents; or

(n)                     in relation to the pension schemes
established for its directors and/or other employees and/or their
dependants, made or consented to any change, in any case which is or
would be material to Maymask in the context of the Offer or, as the
case may be, in the context of the Enlarged Group, to:

(i)                       the terms of the trust deeds constituting
such pension schemes or to the benefits which accrue;

(ii)                     the pensions which are payable under them;

(iii)                    the basis on which qualifications for or
accrual of or entitlement to such benefits or pensions are calculated
or determined;

(iv)                   the basis upon which the liabilities
(including pensions) of such pension schemes are funded or made; or

(v)                     agreed or consented to any change to the
trustees of such pension schemes; or

(o)                     entered into any agreement or passed any
resolution or made any offer (which remains open for acceptance) or
proposed or announced any intention with respect to any of the
transactions, matters or events referred to in this condition 5, in
any case which is or would be material to Maymask in the context of
the Offer or, as the case may be, in the context of the Enlarged

6.            Since the Accounting Date and at any time prior to the
Offer otherwise becoming or being declared unconditional in all
respects, save as Disclosed:

(a)                      no material litigation or arbitration
proceedings, prosecution, investigation or other legal proceedings
having been announced, instituted, threatened or remaining
outstanding by, against or in respect of any member of the Centrom
Group or to which any member of the Centrom Group is or may become a
party (whether as claimant, defendant or otherwise), which is
material to Maymask in the context of the Offer or, as the case may
be, in the context of the Enlarged Group; or

(b)                     no material adverse change or deterioration
having occurred in the business or assets or financial or trading
position or prospects, assets or profits of any member of the Centrom
Group, which is material to Maymask in the context of the Offer or,
as the case may be, in the context of the Enlarged Group; or

(c)                      no enquiry or investigation by, or complaint
or reference to, any third party against or in respect of any member
of the Centrom Group having been threatened, announced, implemented
or instituted or remaining outstanding by, against or in respect of,
any member of the Centrom Group, which, in any such case, is material
to Maymask in the context of the Offer or, as the case may be, in the
context of the Enlarged Group; or

(d)                     no material contingent or other liability
having arisen or become apparent or increased, which is material to
Maymask in the context of the Offer or, as the case may be, in the
context of the Enlarged Group; or

(e)                      no member of the Centrom Group being in
breach of any Material Contract and no other party to a Material
Contract being in breach of such contract, in each case to the extent
material to Maymask in the context of the Offer or, as the case may
be, in the context of the Enlarged Group.

7.            At any time prior to the Offer otherwise becoming or
being declared unconditional in all respects, save as Disclosed,
Maymask not having discovered:

(a)                       that any financial, business or other
information Disclosed and which has also been publicly disclosed
either contains a material misrepresentation of fact or omits to
state a fact necessary to make that information not materially
misleading; or

(b)                       any information which materially adversely
affects the import of any information Disclosed and which has also
been publicly disclosed; or

(c)                       that Centrom has granted any options or
other rights to be issued over any shares or securities of any class
in the capital of Centrom,

and, in each case, the consequence of the discovery would have a
material adverse effect on the Enlarged Group.

Certain Further Terms of the Offer

1.           The Offer will be made  on the terms and subject to  the
conditions which are set out in  Appendix I to this announcement  and
on the further terms that will be  set out in the Offer Document  and
(in respect of certificated shares) the Form of Acceptance, and  such
further terms as may be required to comply with the provisions of the

2.            The Centrom Shares will be acquired pursuant to the
Offer fully paid and free from all liens, equitable interests,
charges, encumbrances, rights of pre-emption and other third party
rights of any nature whatsoever and together with all rights now or
hereafter attaching thereto, including (without limitation) voting
rights and the right to receive and retain all dividends and
distributions (if any) announced, declared, made or paid hereafter.

3.            The Offer will not be made, directly or indirectly, in,
into or by use of the mails of, or by any means or instrumentality
(including, without limitation, telephonically or electronically) of
interstate or foreign commerce of, or any facilities of a national,
state or other securities exchange of, the United States, Canada,
Australia or Japan or any other jurisdiction if to do so would
constitute a violation of the relevant laws of such jurisdiction.
This announcement does not constitute an offer in the United States,
Canada, Australia or Japan or any such other jurisdiction and the
Offer will not be capable of acceptance by any such use, means,
instrumentality or facilities or otherwise from or within the United
States, Canada, Australia or Japan or any such other jurisdiction.


Centrom Directors' Shareholdings and Irrevocable Undertakings

Centrom Directors' Shareholdings:

Name of Centrom Director Number of Centrom Shares
Richard Trevillion                     12,696,250
Michael Boseley                         2,883,028
David Whitehead                         2,659,598
Gerald Malone                           1,750,000

Irrevocable Undertakings:

The Centrom Directors have given irrevocable undertakings to accept
(or procure the acceptance of) the Offer in relation to the following
Centrom Shares:

Name of Centrom Director       Number of Centrom Percentage of Entire
                                          Shares Issued Share Capital
Richard Trevillion                    12,696,250                5.92%
Michael Boseley                        2,883,028                1.34%
David Whitehead                        2,659,598                1.24%
Gerald Malone                          1,750,000                0.82%
                                      19,988,876                9.32%

The irrevocable undertakings given by the Centrom Directors will
remain binding even if a higher competing takeover offer is made,
unless the Offer closes, lapses or is withdrawn.

The  following   Centrom  Shareholder   has  given   an   irrevocable
undertaking to accept  (or procure  the acceptance of)  the Offer  in
relation to the following Centrom Shares:

Name of Centrom           Number of Centrom      Percentage of Entire
Shareholder                          Shares      Issued Share Capital
Mark Venables                    62,855,085                    29.30%
                                 62,855,085                    29.30%

The irrevocable undertaking given by the above Centrom Shareholder
will remain binding unless the Offer closes, lapses or is withdrawn
or the value of the Offer is, during the Offer Period, exceeded by an
offer for the entire issued share capital of Centrom made by a third
party other than Maymask.


Bases of calculations and sources of information

Save as otherwise set out in this announcement, the following
constitute the bases and sources of information referred to in this

(a)                 financial information relating to Maymask has
been extracted from the financial statements of Maymask for the three
years ended on 31 March 2008;

(b)                 financial information relating to Centrom has
been extracted from the audited financial statements of Centrom for
the two years ended on 31 December 2006 and 31 December 2007 and from
the unaudited interim statement for the six months ended 30 June

(c)                 references to the value of the Offer for the
entire issued ordinary share capital of Centrom assume the number of
Centrom Shares currently in issue to be 214,533,400; and

(d)                 references to the availability to Maymask of the
necessary resources to implement the Offer in full also assume that
there are currently no options outstanding in respect of unissued
Centrom Shares, save the options over 600,000 Centrom Shares which
are held by an individual and are more particularly described in the
Offer Document, or that any such options have been waived.

In this announcement, the following words and expressions shall,
except where the context requires otherwise, have the following

the Companies Act 2006

"Accounting  Date"
31 December 2007 (being the date to which the last published  audited
annual report and accounts of Centrom were made up)

the proposed acquisition by  Maymask of the entire  issued and to  be
issued share capital of Centrom pursuant to the Offer

the market of that name operated by the London Stock Exchange

Day"                                                         any  day
(other than a public holiday,  Saturday or Sunday) on which  clearing
banks in London are open for normal business

Canada, its  provinces  and  territories  and  all  areas  under  its
jurisdiction and political sub-divisions thereof

"Centrom" or the "Company"                                    Centrom
Group plc (company number 5391225)

"Centrom Board" or "Centrom Directors"                  the board  of
directors of Centrom

"Centrom  Group"
Centrom, its subsidiaries and  its subsidiary under