Unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2008

Centrom  Group  plc  (AIM:CET),  a  supplier  of  a  broad  range  of
innovative IT solutions with an  emphasis on sales to the  healthcare
and financial services sectors, announces its interim results for the
six months ended 30 June 2008.

 For further information please contact:

Gerald Malone, Chairman                        07711 085611

Mike Boseley, CEO                              01252 365000

Geoff Nash/Rose Herbert                       020 7600 1658
 FinnCap (Nominated adviser and joint broker)
John Webb                                     020 7490 3788
Marshall Securities Limited (Joint broker)

Interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2008  - Unaudited
Chairman & CEO Report

We present the interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2008.

Turnover  in  the  period  has  been  disappointing,  weakening  from
£1,832,725 to £1,319,519, mostly due  to late starting contracts  and
in part  to the  slow roll  out  of the  NHS National  Programme  for
Information  Technology,   significant   for   Centrom's   healthcare

Gross margins across the business for the period were 29% (2007: 36%)
reflecting lower utilisation rates  and business mix.  Administrative
costs remained under tight control - £536,537 compared with  £585,843
in the same period last year. The loss before tax for the period  was
£174,618 (2007:  profit £73,270).  The  board regularly  reviews  the
scope for additional  cost cutting,  but is  mindful of  the need  to
maintain sufficient skills and resource to deliver a quality  service
to Centrom's customer base and secure new business.

Whilst working  capital remains  limited,  the Company  continues  to
operate within  its existing  bank facilities  and is  maintaining  a
tight control over costs.

Projects and Prospects
An Open Source practice has  been established. Traction is now  being
achieved in the local government  sector, with new contracts  secured
at Bristol and Hertfordshire.

A new  product  has  been  completed  for  Canon  Europe  to  provide
additional functionality  to their  multi function  devices. This  is
being launched during the second half of 2008.

Centrom's data  centre  consulting business  is  now working  with  a
number of clients  to establish  services from  diverse data  centres
within the  UK. This  allows us  to advise  on the  establishment  of
infrastructure and, on some  projects, the refurbishment of  existing
facilities, which can significantly enhance the contract value.  This
has been made possible  through a new  partnership with a  specialist
data centre design and build group, EPI.

The board  is  conscious  of  the  difficulties  facing  small  scale
companies in the  IT sector and  those facing the  AIM market and  is
actively seeking ways to deliver value for shareholders.

Gerald  Malone                                                   Mike
Chairman                                                      CEO
29 September 2008

Group Income Statement
for the six months
ended 30 June 2008

                                Unaudited     Unaudited
                                 6 months      6 months    Year ended
                                 ended 30      ended 30   31 December
                        Notes   June 2008     June 2007          2007
                                        £             £             £

Revenue                   5     1,319,519     1,832,725     3,533,540

Cost of sales                   (936,618)   (1,163,388)   (2,210,367)

Gross profit                      382,901       669,337     1,323,173
Administrative costs            (536,537)     (585,843)   (1,126,946)

Operating (loss)/profit
before impairment               (153,636)        83,494       196,227

Impairment of
development expenditure   4             -             -     (529,123)

Operating (loss)/profit         (153,636)        83,494     (332,896)

Finance revenue                         -             -            55
Finance costs                    (20,982)      (10,224)      (26,018)

(Loss)/profit from
continuing operations           (174,618)        73,270     (358,859)

UK income tax
credit/(expense)                  (9,438)      (22,000)        12,811

(Loss)/profit for the
period                          (184,056)        51,270     (346,048)

Minority interests                  -                 -             -

(Loss)/profit for the
period attributable to          (184,056)        51,270     (346,048)
members of the parent

(Loss)/profit per share   6
Basic (pence)                    (0.08)        0.02            (0.16)
Diluted (pence)                  (0.08)        0.02            (0.16)

The results for the period are
derived from continuing
The Group has no recognised gains or losses
other than the results for the period/year.
Accordingly no Statement of Recognised
Income and Expenditure has been prepared.

Group Balance Sheet
as at 30 June 2008

                               Unaudited      Unaudited   31 December
                            30 June 2008   30 June 2007          2007
                                       £              £             £

Non-current assets
Goodwill and intangible
assets                         7,243,895      7,750,287     7,230,312
Property plant and
equipment                         65,600         88,524        70,567
Deferred tax asset               344,926        349,053       139,579
                               7,654,421      8,187,864     7,440,458
Current assets
Trade and other
receivables                      523,919        608,484     1,025,390
Deferred tax asset                38,938              -       244,285
Cash and cash equivalents          2,895          3,348         3,216
                                 565,752        611,832     1,272,891
Total assets                   8,220,173      8,799,696     8,713,349

Equity and liabilities
Equity attributable to
equity holders of the
Share capital                  2,145,334      2,087,834     2,145,334
Share premium                  6,462,415      6,462,415     6,462,415
Retained earnings            (2,004,531)    (1,423,157)   (1,820,475)
                               6,603,218      7,127,092     6,787,274
Minority interest                141,179        141,179       141,179
Total equity                   6,744,397      7,268,271     6,928,453

Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings              53,451         69,667        62,054

Current liabilities
Short-term provisions            166,233        107,987       133,858
Trade and other payables         651,092        728,475       791,571
Current portion of long
term borrowings                   22,000         22,000        22,000
Bank overdrafts                   53,070         51,679        89,870
Current tax payable                    -         64,699        52,493
Deferred income                  529,930        486,918       633,050
                               1,422,325      1,461,758     1,722,842
Total liabilities              1,475,776      1,531,425     1,784,896
Total equity and
liabilities                    8,220,173      8,799,696     8,713,349

Group Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 30
June 2008

                                  Unaudited   Unaudited
                                   6 months    6 months    Year ended
                                   ended 30    ended 30   31 December
                                  June 2008   June 2007          2007
                                          £           £             £

Cash flows from operating
(Loss)/profit from operations     (153,636)      83,494     (332,896)
Impairment of development
expenditure                               -           -       529,123
Depreciation of plant and
equipment                            23,283      39,116        70,492

Operating cash flows before
movement in working capital       (130,353)     122,610       266,719

Decrease/(increase) in
receivables                         501,471     427,883        10,977
Increase/(decrease) in payables   (176,224)   (481,151)     (238,258)

Cash generated/(utilised) by
operating activities                194,894      69,342        39,438

Interest paid                      (20,982)    (10,224)      (26,018)
Tax paid                           (61,931)           -             -

Net cash generated/(utilised)
by operating activities             111,981      59,118        13,420

Cash flows from investing
Interest received                         -           -            55
Payments to acquire property,
plant and equipment                (17,329)     (9,020)      (23,689)
Payments to acquire intangible
assets                             (14,570)           -       (7,898)

Net cash utilised by investing
activities                         (31,899)     (9,020)      (31,532)

Cash flows from financing
Issue of ordinary share capital           -           -        57,500
New borrowings                       10,000           -             -
Repayment of borrowings            (53,603)    (11,000)      (38,613)
(Decrease)/increase in bank
overdraft                          (36,800)    (37,355)           836

Net cash generated by financing
activities                         (80,403)    (48,355)        19,723

Net (decrease)/increase in cash
and cash equivalents                  (321)       1,743         1,611
Opening cash and cash
equivalents                           3,216       1,605         1,605

Closing cash and cash
equivalents                           2,895       3,348         3,216

Group Statement of Changes in
for the six months
ended 30 June 2008

                         Share    Profit and          Equity
             Share     premium          loss   shareholders'    Minority       Total
           capital     account       account           funds   interests      equity

At 1
2007     2,087,834   6,462,415   (1,474,427)       7,075,822     141,179   7,217,001

for the
year to
30 June
2007             -           -        51,270          51,270           -      51,270

At 30
2007     2,087,834   6,462,415   (1,423,157)       7,127,092     141,179   7,268,271

Issue of
capital     57,500           -             -          57,500           -      57,500

Loss for
the half
year to
2007             -           -     (397,318)       (397,318)           -   (397,318)

At 31
2007     2,145,334   6,462,415   (1,820,475)       6,787,274     141,179   6,928,453

Loss for
the half
year to
30 June
2008             -           -     (184,056)       (184,056)           -   (184,056)

         2,145,334   6,462,415   (2,004,531)       6,603,218     141,179   6,744,397

Notes to the
Financial Statements
for the six months
ended 30 June 2008

1 information

  Centrom Group plc is a public limited company ('Company')
  incorporated in the United Kingdom under the Companies Act 1985
  (registration number 5391225).  The Company is domiciled in the
  United Kingdom and its registered office address is Centrom House,
  16 Church Road, Fleet, Hampshire GU51 3RH.  The Company's ordinary
  shares are traded on the Alternative Investment Market ('AIM').

  The Group's principal activity is supplying consulting design
  implementation and ongoing support of high performance IT network
  solutions. The Company's principal activity is to act as a holding
  company for its subsidiaries.

  This consolidated interim statement was approved for issue by the
  Board of Directors on 29 September 2008.

  Basis of
2 preparation

  The consolidated interim statement should be read in conjunction
  with the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December
  2007, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted
  by the European Union on the historical cost basis.

  The interim financial information has not been audited and does not
  constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of
  the Companies Act 1985.  The Group's statutory accounts for the
  year ended 31 December 2007 have been filed with the Registrar of
  Companies and are available at www.centrom.com. The auditors'
  report on those financial statements was unqualified and did not
  contain any statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies
  Act 1985.

3 policies

  The accounting policies applied are consistent with those of the
  annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007, as
  described in those financial statements.

  Impairment of
4 expenditure

  This relates to costs incurred during 2005 in the development of
  the technology for facial recognition software. The Directors took
  the prudent view that the carrying value of this asset is not
  recoverable in the foreseeable future and decided to impair its
  value to nil.

5 Revenue and segment reporting

  The revenue and loss before tax are attributable to the one
  principal activity of the Group. The directors consider that the
  revenue is all one continuing segment being the support of high
  performance IT network solutions, all originating in the UK.

                            Unaudited       Unaudited
                             6 months        6 months      Year ended
                             ended 30        ended 30     31 December
                            June 2008       June 2007            2007
                                    £               £               £

  United Kingdom            1,319,519       1,832,725       3,533,540

  Loss per
6 ordinary share

  The  calculation  of  basic   (loss)/profit  per  share  has   been
  calculated on  the net  basis on  the loss  on ordinary  activities
  after taxation  of  £184,056  (2007 -  £51,270  profit)  using  the
  average number of 1p ordinary shares in issue of 214,533,400  (2007
  - 208,783,400).

  The diluted (loss)/profit  per share  is based  on a  loss for  the
  period of £184,056 (2007 - £51,270 profit) using the average number
  of 1p ordinary  shares of  214,533,400 (2007  - 211,783,400)  after
  adjusting for diluting options.

                            Unaudited       Unaudited
                             6 months        6 months      Year ended
                             ended 30        ended 30     31 December
                            June 2008       June 2007            2007
                                    £               £               £

  (Loss)/profit for the
  period                    (184,056)          51,270       (346,048)

  Basic (loss)/earnings
  per share
  Weighted number of
  shares in issue         214,533,400     208,783,400     211,556,003

  Basic (loss)/earnings
  per share (pence)            (0.08)            0.02          (0.16)

  (loss)/earnings per
  Weighted number of
  shares in issue         214,533,400     211,783,400     211,566,003

  (loss)/earnings per
  share (pence)                (0.08)            0.02          (0.16)

7 Dividends

  No dividend is proposed.

8 Issue of equity

  None issued in the period

  The interim statement will be available from the Company's
  registered office: Centrom House, 16 Church Road, Fleet, Hampshire
  GU51 3RH and from the Company's website www.centrom.com


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