Casino and Rothschild Martin Maurel have entered into a new liquidity contract effective on 1 January 2019, drawn up following changes in the regulations related to liquidity contracts and in accordance with the AMF Decision 2018-01 of 2 July 2018, applicable from 1 January 2019. It replaces the previous liquidity contract signed with Rothschild & Cie banque on 11 February 2005. Transactions under the liquidity contract will be carried out on the trading platform of Euronext Paris. In accordance with the provisions of the contract, it is specified that the circumstances that require its suspension or termination are as follows: suspension under the conditions referred to in Article 5 of the AMF Decision; suspension at the Issuer's request for technical reasons, such as the counting of shares with voting rights before a general meeting or the counting of shares eligible for dividend before their detachment, for a period specified by the Issuer. The contract can be terminated under the following conditions: at any time by the Issuer, without notice under the conditions for closing the Liquidity Account as referred to in Article 12 of the agreement; by the Provider with one month's notice. At the end of the notice period, the Liquidity Account shall be closed under the conditions as referred to Article 12 of the agreement.