Shadow rail minister sees how electrification skills shortage is being tackled
Leading integrated support services company Carillion and Austrian based SPL Powerlines hosted a visit by shadow rail minister Lillian Greenwood MP to their state-of-the-art training facility in Doncaster to see how a joint programme between the two companies is addressing a skills shortage in the rail industry.

30th January 2014
As the UK embarks on a £2billion plus electrification programme of the rail network over the next five years it is estimated that the country needs 10 times the current number of skilled and qualified linemen.

Last year Carillion Rail and SPL Powerlines announced a Co-operation Agreement for the delivery of the electrification programme and are now working together to train new staff who will deliver the electrification work won by the partners.

Lillian Greenwood, shadow rail minister and MP for Nottingham South visited the Doncaster facility to meet senior managers from Carillion Rail and SPL Powerlines as well as seeing some of the training activities and talking to the trainees.

Speaking after the event she said: "I am very pleased to have been able to visit the Carillion and SPL Powerlines training centre in Doncaster, which is a great example of companies involved in the rail industry coming together to invest in the new generation of highly skilled workers we need to roll out the electrification of our railways. It was great to have the opportunity to speak with some of the trainees and I welcome their enthusiasm and commitment to gaining skills that are vital to maintaining the UK's infrastructure today and in years to come."

Paul Storey, head of electrification for Carillion Rail said: "We were delighted to have the shadow rail minister visit our facility and show her the work we are doing to provide the next generation of skilled linemen. The electrification programme is a major investment for the UK which, once complete, will deliver benefits across the country. In the past this type of programme has suffered from peaks and troughs of activity which has had a knock-on effect of preventing the industry from delivering a long-term training programme to ensure we have the right people, with the right skills. That issue is now being tackled."

Simon Talman, Operations Director for SPL Powerlines UK said: "It was good that Lillian Greenwood not only came to listen to what the senior management had to say, but she also showed an interest in what our trainees had to say about their experiences thus far. This was important for our trainees and will give them a lift, as motivation is key for keeping them interested and committed for the future. We have instigated a programme to make our training as diverse as possible with integrating elements of health and safety, plant utilisation and explanation behind how electrification works and the importance of keeping the railway operational whilst improving the infrastructure. We are all on a journey for a bright future with sustainable employment and business profit growth to ensure our people and their families stay loyal, committed and happy in their work."

The Doncaster facility is one of a network of Carillion Rail/SPL Powerlines training operations around the UK, including Coatbridge, Crewe, Milton Keynes and Bishopbriggs, which are centres of excellence for the industry.

Each centre includes specialist training spans which replicate overhead line installation and maintenance operations. Trainees undertake an initial three-stage training programme working towards qualifications from industry body Overhead Line Equipment Competency (OLEC) at level 1, 2 and 3. Modules include Personal Track Safety (PTS) manual handling and harness use through to working on OLE under supervision.

Once the main body of the training programme is complete after a year the trainees will be placed on an OLEC3 course which, once passed and after a period of mentoring and assessment they will be able to work unsupported on OLE projects.

About Carillion
Carillion is a leading integrated support services company with a substantial portfolio of Public Private Partnership projects and extensive construction capabilities.

The Group had annual revenue in 2012 of some £4.4 billion, employs around 40,000 people and operates across the UK, in the Middle East and Canada.

The Group has four business segments:

Support services - this includes facilities management, facilities services, energy services, rail services, road maintenance, and utility services.

Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects - this includes our investing activities in PPP projects in our chosen sectors of defence, health, education, transport, secure, energy services and other Government accommodation.

Middle East construction services - this includes our building and civil engineering activities in the Middle East.

Construction services (excluding the Middle East) - this includes our consultancybuilding, civil engineering and developments activities in the UK and our construction activities in Canada.

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