Trovagene, Inc. announced the issuance of a new patent (10,155,006), entitled Combination Therapies and Methods of Use Thereof for Treating Cancer, by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This patent broadens previously issued patent (9,566,280), by expanding the use of Onvansertib to encompass combination therapies with any anti-androgen and androgen antagonist drug, such as Zytiga, Xtandi and Erleada for the treatment of metastatic and non-metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer. The issuance of this patent further strengthens Trovagene's existing intellectual property portfolio obtained with the licensing of exclusive global development and commercialization rights to Onvansertib, a first-in-class, 3rd generation Polo-like Kinase 1(PLK1) inhibitor, from Nerviano Medical Sciences (NMS). NMS is a world-renowned oncology R&D organization and widely recognized for the development of protein kinase inhibitors (e.g., Onvansertib).