CarbonMeta Technologies, Inc. announced the filing of a groundbreaking provisional patent application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for an innovative and verifiable process that transparently documents and tracks sequestered carbon dioxide (CO2) in concrete as carbon credits on a blockchain. CarbonMeta's patent application outlines an innovative system that combines state-of-the-art carbon sequestration techniques with advanced blockchain technology. This groundbreaking approach aims to revolutionize the construction industry's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint.

The process and software technology will help CarbonMeta and its customers accurately document and track the CO2 permanently captured in their cement-less concrete products. The captured CO2 will be represented as carbon credits and will be securely stored as elements on a blockchain, thereby ensuring transparency and immutability of the data. CarbonMeta?s patent application was authored by Mohamed Khalil, Martyn Newby and Lloyd Spencer; and was filed with the USPTO on May 23, 2024, with patent development and legal counsel services from PatentManiac.