The Board of Directors of Caplin Point Laboratories Limited Meeting held March 4, 2020, approved the payment of interim dividend of INR 2.10 (105 %) per equity share of INR 2 each for the financial year 2019-2020. Interim Dividend will be paid to those shareholders whose name appear in the Register of Members and Beneficial Owners as on the Record date being March 13, 2020. Interim Dividend will be paid to the shareholders on or before March 25, 2020.

The company announced that the Board of Directors have appointed Dr. CK Gariyali I.A.S.(Retd) as an Additional Director(Women, Non-Executive-Independent) for a period of three years effective from March 04,2020, subject to the approval of the shareholders at the upcoming Annual General Meeting. Dr. CK Gariyali, aged 72, is a retired IAS officer and holds a Doctorate in Women Studies and she has been Principal Secretary to the Governor of Tamil Nadu from 2005-2008 and Secretary to Honourable Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu from 2001-2002 and she has been district collector of Madras and South Arcot Districts from 1981-1984 and she has held various administrative positions in various government organizations during her career.