Capital VC Limited announce that with effect from 4 June 2024, Ms. Luo Yanling has been appointed as an independent non- executive Director. Ms. Luo has also been appointed as a member of each of the audit committee, remuneration committee and nomination committee of the Board with effect from 4 June 2024. Ms. Luo, aged 42, is a marketing manager of a food and beverage company in Mainland China.

She has ample experience of corporate management and brand promotion in food and beverage industry in Mainland China. The Board would like to provide additional information of Ms. Luo. In addition to the food and beverage company Ms. Luo is working for, she has served as the marketing manager of an investment company in Mainland China and the principal business of that investment company is investment in unlisted businesses in various sectors, including public transportation, manufacturers of lifts and escalators, etc.

She has over 10 years marketing experience, especially in brand management and promotion in the companies she served.