Light and Cadence Design Systems Inc. announced that Light has deployed the CadenceTensilica Vision Q7 DSP for use in Light's Clarity Depth Perception Platform, which provides long-range, high-resolution depth perception using industry-standard cameras benefiting advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). The Tensilica Vision Q7 DSP provides Light with real-time data processing, ensuring low-latency, high-bandwidth transmission of high-resolution output. Light's solution enables machines to see better than humans by using two or more cameras, novel calibration and unique signal processing to provide unprecedented depth quality across the camera's field of view.

Integrating the Tensilica Vision Q7 DSP into Light's solution enables up to 10X faster processing of measured depth compared to a quad-core CPU, improving real-time accuracy and reliability. The highly configurable and extensible Vision Q7 DSP is accompanied by an array of optimized computer vision libraries, optional accelerators and toolchains that efficiently handle such workloads. Light implemented its proprietary multi-view depth perception algorithms via custom instructions using the Tensilica Instruction Extension (TIE) language, resulting in an additional 4X performance improvement with 3X area/power savings.

For ADAS, meeting functional safety requirements with full ISO 26262 compliance with ASIL-D is crucial. The Tensilica Vision Q7 DSP's availability as certified IP along with certified toolchains, libraries and a streamlined failure modes, effects and diagnostic analysis (FMEDA) flow were key factors in Light's selection of the Vision Q7 DSP.