Aktia implements DevOps in its application development

Helsinki, Finland, January 23, 2014 - Aktia Bank, plc (OMX: AKTAV) today announced its plan to upgrade its core banking system and to implement a new DevOps methodology to enhance its application development processes. A solution from CA Technologies, CA LISA Release Automation, will play a key role in Aktia's DevOps implementation. This investment puts Aktia at the forefront of DevOps adoption in Finland.

CA LISA Release Automation reduces software release times by simplifying and standardizing the release process and minimizing errors. It helps automate the complex workflows required for agile software movement between development, testing and production environments, enabling organizations to shorten deploment cycles from months or weeks to days or even minutes. 

"Application development tends to be a heavy, expensive process and one that is under tremendous pressure to act quickly. Businesses request new applications at an accelerating rate, as both internal and external users expect to have access to modern applications on diverse platforms. With CA LISA Release Automation, we'll be able to cut the time between an idea of an application and going into production to a fraction of what it previously demanded - thereby saving on our bottom line as well," says Joakim Sandström, solution architect, Aktia.

"The DevOps methodology is now one of the winning strategies for enterprise IT and it is attracting great interest both internationally and here in Finland. Application development has always been slow and schedules have often been extended, which has slowed down the deployment. The DevOps strategy with supporting tools will be the solution to a number of issues within the development process," says Mika Gerlander, country manager of CA Software Finland Oy. 

As the banking world cannot tolerate any problems in its applications, any solution entering the production stage must run securely and reliably. An automated release approach helps to remove the inevitable errors that incur in a manual implementation. The continuous application delivery solution takes release automation to the next level and provides an agile and collaborative delivery chain, helping the bank to innovate.

Aktia will deploy the CA LISA Release Automation solution to the full extent during spring 2014.

About Aktia

Aktia Group provides a broad range of products within banking, insurance and real estate agency. Aktia operates mainly in coastal areas and inland growth areas. Aktia has about 300,000 customers who are served by nearly 1,400 employees at branch offices and via Internet and telephone services. Aktia's shares are listed on the list of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. For more information about Aktia see www.aktia.fi.

About CA Technologies

CA Technologies (NASDAQ: CA) provides IT management solutions that help customers manage and secure complex IT environments to support agile business services. Organizations leverage CA Technologies software and SaaS solutions to accelerate innovation, transform infrastructure and secure data and identities, from the data center to the cloud.www.ca.com.

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