Byrna Technologies Inc. announced the formation of a new global business unit that will focus on domestic and international law enforcement agencies and private security companies. This new division, "Byrna LE" will introduce the company's Byrna line of less-lethal weapons to domestic and international law enforcement agencies as well as to global private security companies and other professionally licensed entities. Leading Byrna's law enforcement business will be RJ Boatman, Executive Vice President for Governmental Affairs effective September 1, 2020.  Prior to joining the company in this capacity, he had been working with Byrna as a consultant for several months, spearheading the development of its law enforcement training program, and before that, he worked in law enforcement for more than 35 years. He is one of the most highly decorated law enforcement officers in the Country, having served in the capacities of Chief of Police, Organized Crime Board Governor, Federal Task Force Director, Emergency Management Coordinator, State Education Director, Adjunct University Professor, Investigative Consultant and Municipal Judge.