Buru Energy Limited announced that The Ungani 4 well operations were completed on Saturday 20th of January after some minor operational and weather delays. The DDGT rig is being stacked on the Ungani 4 location and the owner is planning to undertake maintenance and upgrades on site once weather conditions permit. The packers in Ungani 4 are expected to take up to 14 days to set, so the test program is likely to commence in the first week in February. Ungani production was shut in on 12th January due to the closure of the access road by rainfall from Cyclone Joyce. There has been additional heavy rainfall since then and road conditions are not expected to improve to allow heavy vehicle traffic for at least another week. However, another major tropical low is forming and if that develops into a cyclone this may further delay the resumption of trucking operations. To put this season's weather into perspective, in the 107-year period since 1910, here have been 22 cyclones that have caused gale force winds in Broome. This equates to about one every five years, and in the 14 year period from 1990 to 2004 there were none. This compares to the two cyclones to date during the current wet season.