Ref : SET 56/03
11 January 2013
To: Directors and Manager
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Subject: Opportunity for Shareholders to Propose AGM Agenda
and Qualified Candidate to be Considered as the Company's Director
Bumrungrad Hospital Public Company Limited realizes the importance of shareholders and the practice of good corporate governance, with the objective for shareholders to receive equitable treatment. The Company therefore gives the opportunity for shareholders to participate in proposing an issue which is deemed important and appropriate for incorporation as an agenda in the Company's annual general meeting (AGM), and a candidate with appropriate knowledge, abilities and qualifications to be considered for the position of the Company's director. The issue should be proposed in advance before the AGM is held so that the Board of Directors will have sufficient time to consider and prepare to incorporate such proposed issue as an agenda in the AGM.
Shareholders can propose the agenda and/or qualified candidate for the position of the Company's director to be incorporated in the Annual General Meeting No. 20 for the year 2013 from now until 10 February 2013. The Company has provided criteria and guidelines together with the proposal form on the Company's website, www.bumrungrad.comunder section Investor Relations, sub-section Shareholders' Information.
Please be informed accordingly.
Yours faithfully,
(Mr. Chanvit Tanphiphat)
Vice Chairperson

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