According to the resolution of the Board of Directors meeting of Pruksa Holding Public Company Limited ("PSH") on 20th October 2023, approval was granted for entering into a joint venture agreement between Pruksa Real Estate Public Company Limited ("PS") and Britania Public Company Limited. Currently, all requisite core conditions have been satisfactorily fulfilled by the contract parties involved. Therefore, PSH would like to provide with the details of the joint investment as outlined below: The joint investment with Britania Public Company Limited ("BRI") for single detached house development: BRI is the subsidiary of ORI, specializing in the property development for single detached houses.

Company name: Britania SPV 16 Company Limited. Type of business: Single detached house development. Registered capital: THB 1,000,000 comprised of 100,000 common shares with a par value of THB 10.

Shareholding structure: Group A. BRI held 50,000 shares or equivalent to 50% and Group B. PS held 50,000 shares or equivalent to 50%. Source of funds: Equity capital.