Bridgeline Digital, Inc. announced the release date of its HawkSearch Athena update, which is set for June 13, 2024. The Athena release introduces new GenAI capabilities with Smart Responses, transforming customer interactions with search, leading to increased engagement and revenue for businesses. HawkSearch will introduce its Athena update with GenAI-powered Smart Responses to increase conversions for eCommerce customers.

The Smart Response features engage users with interactive conversational dialogue based on search queries. It prompts follow-up questions and suggestions, imitating a personalized online sales assistant. This enhances engagement and ensures users find what they need efficiently.

For example, when a user types solar panels on a solar panel eCommerce site, HawkSearch Smart Response will display detailed installation instructions and summarize the types of solar panels available, as well as their best uses. This empowers users to make more informed and confident purchasing decisions.