BrainChip Holdings Ltd. has signed a strategic partnership agreement with SoftCryptum to sell BrainChip's AI-powered video analytics solutions to government agencies in France, Belgium, and Switzerland. SoftCryptum sells security and data analytical solutions around the world, particularly to government agencies that require video and image content analysis tools for CCTV footage. Often recorded in low resolution, the recordings from such video surveillance systems are ideally suited to analysis using BrainChip's unique, multi-award-winning technology. Based on spiking neural networks, BrainChip's video analytics solution has already been commissioned by several European government agencies to help speed up investigations. Law enforcement agencies require a way to rapidly sift through terabytes of recorded video to identify and track complex characteristics of suspects and witnesses, including faces and patterns on clothing. BrainChip Studio software enables instant training of many types of objects and patterns in the field, 20 times faster than a human operator.