Botanix Pharmaceuticals Limited announced the successful completion of its Investigator's Meeting for the BTX 1204 Phase 2 atopic dermatitis clinical study with investigating dermatologists and study site coordinators. The meeting was held in Sydney, Australia and brought together the investigators participating in the study, as well as site coordinators from more than 13 dermatology clinic sites across Australia and New Zealand. Atopic dermatitis key opinion leaders and clinicians joined the meeting to discuss the study protocol, the practicalities of drug application, as well as specific instructions on patient assessment tools that will be used for the study outcomes. The meeting was attended by more than 40 participants and feedback from the meeting has been very positive regarding the data from the completed Phase 1b atopic dermatitis patient study, the study design and the assessment of the novel PermetrexTM BTX 1204 formulation which has been shown to avoid the burning and stinging associated with recently approved topical products. Patients have already been enrolled in the study and enrolment is rapidly accelerating as more dermatology clinics in the US and Australia join the study this quarter. The Phase 2 atopic dermatitis clinical study is a 12-week randomised, double-blind and vehicle-controlled study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of BTX 1204 in patients with moderate atopic dermatitis. Approximately 200 patients will be enrolled, involving leading dermatology clinics across the US and Australia. The BTX 1204 Phase 2 study is fully funded and is expected to be fully recruited in Third Quarter CY2019.