• The number of trades multiplies by 8, reaching 62,971
  • Companies listed on MAB raise 45 million euros in the market, 12% more

The trading volume recorded in 2013 on the segment for Growth Companies of the MAB market reached €279 million, more than five times as much as in 2012. The number of securities traded in 2013 exceeded 87 million, double the amount of the previous year, while the number of transactions was 62,971, eight times as much as in 2012.

Even leaving aside the two companies with the heaviest trading volume, Carbures and Gowex, the liquidity of the remaining companies has improved substantially. Excluding both companies, the cash and securities volume traded would have doubled, exceeding €38 million and 48 million securities, respectively, while the number of trades would have amounted to 13,254, a 3.4-time increase from the previous year.

The overall market capitalisation at 31 December 2013 totaled €1.6 billion, three times as much as that achieved at the end of 2012, thanks to strong increases posted by many of the companies listed on this market.

In 2013 the companies listed on MAB obtained €45 million of financing in the market, up 12% from the previous year and raised €200 million since the start of this market, in July 2009, until December 2013. Last year there were13 capital increases in the MAB market, with some companies carrying out more than one during the year, such as Carbures (three capital increases in January, July and August ) and Eurona (two in April and November). Many of these capital increases have attracted considerable interest from investors, which has led to successive operations and to pro-rata assessments to meet the greater demand for new securities.

The new Spanish REITS segment of the MAB market started operations last year, with two additions, ENTRECAMPOS CUATRO, in November and PROMOCIONES, RENTA Y MANTENIMIENTO (PROMORENT), in December.

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