Adisseo announced the development of its innovative product Rhodimet A-Dry+®. It is a brand new powder methionine product, based on the liquid methionine ("HMTBA") technology, in order to offer the advantages of this molecule to customers whose manufacturing process does not allow the use of liquid form. Based on a patented technology and with the support of its formulation expert subsidiary, Adisseo has developed a unique process, which allows to get premium quality powder at 88% potency. Additional benefits such as improved anti-oxidation and anti-microbial effects will also be available to powder users. The mechanical characteristics, flowability and homogeneity in particular, of Rhodimet A-Dry+® are optimized to match best-in-class in the market enabling superior performance in mixability, a key criteria for powder users. Rhodimet A-Dry+® is expected to be launched in the market early 2018. A new production unit implementing this new technology is currently being built on the Burgos site in Spain and expected to be commissioned by the end 2017. Its design has integrated the full value of Sustainable Development and the project has involved significant expertise from the Company in order to get minimal impact to the environment.