BLACKROCK LATIN AMERICAN INVESTMENT TRUST PLC                                       
    All information is at 31 December 2015 and unaudited.                               
    Performance at month end with net income reinvested                                 
                                  One      Three      One      Three      Five   ^^Since
                                month     months     year      years     years  31.03.06
                                    %          %        %          %         %         %
    Net asset value^             -2.8       -0.8    -26.9      -40.0     -53.9      10.6
    Share price                  -5.2        2.2    -26.6      -39.3     -55.7       4.9
    MSCI EM Latin America        -2.2        0.1    -26.8      -41.7     -50.6      17.0
    US Dollars:                                                                         
    Net asset value^             -4.9       -3.5    -30.9      -45.5     -56.5      -5.9
    Share price                  -7.2       -0.5    -30.6      -44.9     -58.3     -10.8
    MSCI EM Latin America        -4.2       -2.6    -30.8      -47.1     -53.5      -0.6
    ^cum income                                                                         
    ^^Date which BlackRock took over the investment management of the Company.          
    Sources: BlackRock, Standard & Poor's Micropal                                      
    At month end                                                                        
    Net asset value - capital only:                                              305.71p
    Net asset value - cum income:                                                311.61p
    Share price:                                                                 277.00p
    Total Assets#:                                                               £122.7m
    Discount (share price to cum income NAV):                                      11.1%
    Average discount* over the month - cum income:                                 12.4%
    Net cash at month end**:                                                        2.7%
    Gearing range (as a % of net assets):                                          0-25%
    Net yield##:                                                                    7.2%
    Ordinary shares in issue***:                                              39,369,620
    Ongoing charges****:                                                            1.2%
    #Total assets include current year revenue.                                         
    ## calculated using total dividends declared in the last 12 months as at the        
    date of this announcement as a percentage of month end share price.                 
    *The discount is calculated using the cum income NAV (expressed in sterling         
    **Net cash/net gearing is calculated using debt at par, less cash and cash          
    equivalents and fixed interest investments as a percentage of net assets.           
    ***Excluding 2,071,662 shares held in treasury.                                     
    **** Calculated as a percentage of average net assets and using expenses,           
    excluding performance fees and interest costs for the year ended 31 December        
    Geographic Exposure                                                                 
                                  % of Total      % of Equity     MSCI EM Latin American
                                      Assets       Portfolio*                      Index
    Brazil                              44.2             45.4                       46.1
    Mexico                              41.5             42.6                       37.6
    Peru                                 5.8              6.0                        2.8
    Chile                                2.9              3.0                       10.0
    Argentina                            1.5              1.6                        0.0
    Colombia                             1.4              1.4                        3.5
    Net current assets                   2.7              0.0                        0.0
    (inc.Fixed interest)                                                                
                                       -----            -----                      -----
    Total                              100.0            100.0                      100.0
                                       -----            -----                      -----


    *excluding net current assets & fixed interest                                 
    Sector                            % of Total Assets              % of Benchmark
    Materials                                      13.3                        12.8
    Consumer Discretionary                          5.1                         7.1
    Consumer Staples                               24.5                        23.4
    Financials                                     31.6                        28.1
    Health Care                                     0.4                         0.3
    Industrials                                     6.9                         7.3
    Information Technology                          2.2                         2.2
    Energy                                          4.7                         6.1
    Telecommunication                               5.7                         6.9
    Utilities                                       2.9                         5.8
    Fixed Income                                    1.1                         0.0
    Net current assets                              1.6                         0.0
                                                  -----                       -----
    Total                                         100.0                       100.0
                                                  -----                       -----

    Ten Largest Equity Investments (in percentage order)

                                                                % of            % of
    Company                        Country of       Equity Portfolio       Benchmark
    Femsa                          Mexico                        6.7             4.2
    Itau Unibanco                  Brazil                        6.1             4.9
    AmBev                          Brazil                        5.6             5.2
    Grupo Financiero Banorte       Mexico                        5.2             3.4
    Walmart de Mexico              Mexico                        4.4             3.2
    Cemex SAB                      Mexico                        4.0             1.8
    Banco Bradesco                 Brazil                        4.0             4.1
    BB Seguridade Participacoes    Brazil                        3.7             1.1
    America Movil                  Mexico                        3.6             5.4
    BRF                            Brazil                        3.4             2.2
    Commenting on the markets, Will Landers, representing the Investment            
    Manager noted;                                                                  
    For the month of December 2015, the Company's NAV fell by 2.8% and the share    
    price fell by 5.2% (all in sterling terms) while the Company's benchmark, the   
    MSCI EM Latin America Free Index, fell by 2.2%.                                 
    Stock selection in Mexico contributed positively to returns.  Mexican bank      
    Banorte was one of the largest contributors to performance as the stock         
    benefited from growing strength in the domestic economy, leading to a gradual   
    pick-up in lending activity.                                                    
    Our below index weighting in Chile was the primary detractor from performance   
    as Chile remains one of the best relative performers in the region.  At the     
    stock level, the largest detractor from performance was Brazilian bank Itau     
    Unibanco, which suffered from ongoing political and economic turmoil and their  
    potential impact on economic activity in 2016.                                  
    During the month we increased exposure to Itau Unibanco, Banco Bradesco and     
    Petrobras as we looked to protect the portfolio from potential political        
    changes due to the opening of the impeachment process in Brazil.  This move was 
    partially funded by taking profits in Banorte after strong recent performance.  
    In addition, we exited Qualicorp given continued weakness in its client base.   
    Net cash was approximately 2.7% at the end of December.                         
    We enter 2016 maintaining a defensive portfolio.  Brazil's economy continues to 
    offer more questions than answers regarding timing for a recovery, improvement  
    in fiscal accounts, inflation returning to target and interest rates eventually 
    falling.  In addition, the political landscape in Brazil continues to generate  
    uncertainties.  As a result, activity is weak in the consumer, investment       
    (public and private) and manufacturing sectors.  Mexico continues to show signs 
    of a gradual economic improvement, but falling oil prices and slowing US        
    manufacturing are potential headwinds.  The Andean region is also adjusting to  
    falling commodity prices.  However, a potential positive outcome in the         
    Peruvian presidential elections could be a potential positive catalyst in the   
    first half of 2016.  Non-benchmark Argentina saw a positive beginning of the    
    Macri presidency in December and is a potential outlier should reforms          
    15 January 2016                                                                 
    Latest information is available by typing on the       
    internet, "BLRKINDEX" on Reuters, "BLRK" on Bloomberg or "8800" on Topic 3 (ICV 
    terminal).  Neither the contents of the Manager's website nor the contents of   
    any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Manager's website (or any other   
    website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.