Biosenta Inc. announced significant advancements at its bench scale production facility, which have exceeded all expectations. These breakthroughs not only demonstrate the capability of the bench scale facility but also mark the beginning of preparations for a commercial scale production facility. Enhanced Production Capabilities.

Under the guidance of Dr. Maen Husein, the bench scale facility has significantly exceeded performance expectations, affirming Biosenta's pathway towards scaling operations. The facility's production capacity has reached a remarkable 170 kg per day (10 hours/day), setting a solid foundation for the forthcoming design and fabrication of a commercial-scale production facility. In an innovative step forward, Biosenta has successfully utilized food-grade calcium hydroxide and industrial-grade carbon dioxide in the production of its Tri-Filler®?

product. This initiative marks a significant reduction in production costs and environmental impact while maintaining the efficacy and high quality customers expect from Tri-Filler®?.